• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Late reply, sorry just going though my messages here. But I get all the Linux love, however I assume you’re a developer or a writer. Linux is incredibly niche and basically a non option for a vast load of industries.

    Im a professional video editor and animator. Adobe is my bread and butter. I can’t use another option realistically either as it mostly doesn’t exist or I have to send out my projects to other creators and need to be able to talk to other PCs.

    Linux doesn’t support Adobe, it doesn’t support about 80% of my other creative softwares, it won’t play nice. Windows, for my use case runs like a dream.

    Until Linux gets broader adoption of actual pro level applications for the film industry (and many others), it will always be a niche OS for coders and web devs sadly. I’d sooner roll back to windows XP than use Linux.

  • Strike 1: upload an AI racist post changing a person’s ethnicity

    Strike 2: not even paying her for her work, and taking her only ‘income’ away which is exposure. (Silly of people that work for exposure but that’s another topic.

    Strike 3: apologize in the form of a thinly veiled threat of legal action

    Strike 4: feign ignorance, by saying you did it because you were overwhelmingly popular on social media, and weren’t paying attention and had no idea you didn’t pay your models. (Don’t lie, you absolutely knew). Pass the blame further by blaming the fans, because apparently someone else had a vested interest in changing the race of one of his models.

    Strike 5: try and turn the narrative by making sure everyone knows that the event is in honour of his dead wife, and actually WE should feel sorry for HIM.

    Sounds an awful lot like narcissism (what’s the narcissists poem?)

    This guy seems to be a bit of a racist scumbag, who not only takes advantage of young models, but is happy to throw those around him under the bus or throwing his lawyers at the problem before dishing out an honest and humble apology.

  • I don’t use Edge BECAUSE they keep begging and throwing ads at me for it. It’s off putting, desperate and exactly what I don’t want.

    I don’t use it because the Edge splash screen is chokka ads and news stories I don’t want.

    I don’t use Edge because I find Bing annoying, and prefer duck duck go and google in that order, and I’m sick of constantly being nagged to use shit I don’t want.

    Microsoft get it in your head, you are an operating system. Your job is to Operate MY system. Do that well. And by all means build more software, make it optional and installable by choice. If it’s good and works for me and not for you I will use it.

    I don’t use Chrome either. It no longer works for me. It now works for Google first.

    Ive recently downgraded Firefox from browser number 1 to number 2. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not the best.

    Currently I’m enjoying Opera because it feels fresh and zippy and works for me , but I’m not loyal. Edge if you do good, maybe I will use you too. But stop your pathetic shit.

  • Try this:

    So everything in space, every object had to get to where it is via time. It travelled there. Everything can’t be anywhere without time as without time it wouldn’t have been able to move there. Time is a constant graph, and as it moves forward, things move around and as such, space is able to exist. This is why we consider space and time to be linked.

    Now consider this: if one was to plot a graph of space and time on an x y axis to track an object, there is a point on the graph where time has to be zero, and as such space has to be zero.

    This is the big bang.

    It is the beginning of the graph. When time was zero, and as such so was space.

    Space did not burst out from a single point that we could find out there in space, as there was no point. everything was still everywhere much like it is now, except everywhere just so happened to be so close to one another to be at the same point on the graph. When time began, it just about instantly expanded out, everywhere in every direction. There is no ‘center’ to this expansion, just like if you blow up a balloon there is no center on the surface of the balloon, it just expands everywhere, and more importantly with time we are able to quantify this.

  • The way you put it lays out the problem very well. Gender identity should be concerned with being women or men or the myriad of blends in between. Healthcare is concerned with male or female, and that doesn’t change even if surgery may make the situation complicated and need a specialist.

    The doctor was clearly a bit of a cunt about it, but having him treat something that he’s not trained to do should not be an expectation. I imagine I would be a bit ticked off too if a male expected me to inspect their lady bits. It would be unethical for me to pretend to, to humor them, and it would put me in a very awkward situation to try dance around not hurting feelings or coming off as narrowminded. Gender identity should be left to social dynamics an specialists and left at the door of a doctor’s office.

    Having said that a better approach from the gynaecologist would have been to tell them he has no training, but offer to look anyway and help them find a doctor in the area that could be more qualified.

  • Adding to this:

    America is often the voice of media, being the home of, Hollywood, reality TV as well as the loudest voices on the internet it’s natural that we perceive that to be the home of Alien stories.

    Being a ‘wealthy’ country: often a higher employment rate leads to an increase in extra curricular hobbies. Countries with less time to focus on things other than work will also have less time to expand on other interests. This can have a spin off effect of increased time spent day dreaming about lights in the sky.

    America is a very new country. There’s lots of vast open nothingness to explore. Considered a ‘frontier’. The concept of unexplored territory and unclaimed space of mystery is very much more engrained in American culture, unlike say anywhere in Europe where every square inch is claimed and has a city within an hour’s drive. All that empty nothingness with strange lights on the horizon can lead to more mysterious musings of what they might be.