• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I used to date a girl who was a psychology major. She was studying behavioral psychology so ever since those days, I’ve respected and appreciated the people who dedicate their careers to understanding the brain.

    I’ve figured out the water example on my own after getting a water bottle for work. It started out more as a “I don’t want people to judge me for being a soda fiend, so I should ‘fall in line’” kind of deal, but now I really don’t crave soda at work. Unfortunately at home it’s like a switch gets flipped to “drink sugar now”, but I’m working on it. At least I’m getting lots of water at work. I’m gonna look into the links you provided and see if it helps. Thank you!

  • Hey fellow trumpet player! I played it for 7 years through middle and high school, and I even did jazz band in HS. I was third- then first chair in our top band, yet I still didn’t learn anything deeper than musical notation and major scales… Things like the circle of fifths, modes, even chord progressions? I now know they’re all pretty basic concepts, but back then they were a form of mysticism reserved for the gods of music. Thankfully all the basic stuff has stuck with me as if I never stopped playing, which has provided a priceless foundation. Oh, and very strong relative pitch!

    I definitely plan to take ideas from here and there and evolve them, if only as homage to my composer heroes. Just as in game design, nothing is completely original anymore, and everyone “borrows” ideas all the time. Regarding drum patterns, definitely gonna tap into the works of Peart and Portnoy!

    Thanks for the inspiration, by the way. It really helps keep the fire going!

  • Wow, thank you for this awesome write-up! You didn’t need to go so out of your way to teach a stranger, but I appreciate the heck out of it.

    I never would have thought this could work with cats, or any kind of behavioral conditioning for that matter. It’s the exact thing I would expect from a dog-training regimen. Regardless, I’ll give it a shot. I think I’ll see great results from the one who used to be right behind my heels wherever I would go at home. She still adores all attention, but she’s a little more independent now 😊

    Thanks again for the tips! You’ll have a share of the credit for any future snoot boops.

  • Freeplane is such an amazing mind mapping program, as long as you have some patience for learning it. I had never heard of it until maybe a year ago when I downloaded it. It’s FOSS!

    There are so many ways you can relate ideas to each other and lay out details. Plus it lets you embed internal or external links, images, and probably other types of media; I haven’t gotten around to exploring all the features yet. And it also supports add-ons made by the community to extend its already broad functionality.

    I’m currently using it to plan my dream video game, and it has been a priceless source of continued inspiration. I have pretty bad ADHD, but using this software has helped me stay motivated and ambitious. I used to get overwhelmed and turned off while navigating my huge plaintext thought-vomit notes. I swear this isn’t an ad, as much as it sounds like one 😂