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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Idk about less than human; moreso, we just see them/each other through a racial lens - one rooted in our respective culture(s) and understanding of history (which is itself usually heavily-written/influenced by earlier European culture/historians).

    That said, most Americans tend to use racism as a synonym for prejudice (as opposed to the academic definition of racism; i.e. an “organized system of race-based” prejudice). To probe this line of thought, I’ve recently started asking people whether they would consider a black American (wo)man growing up in 1845 (pre-Civil war) or in ~1930 (peak KKK membership; ~5 million Americans) racist for their likely negative views of the average white American. I’ve yet to get an answer, which is a bit of a bummer. Personally, I think most people realize it would be silly to call a black American slave racist for being prejudiced of their fellow white American citizens who they know only as brutal slave owners/traders. (Did y’all know pirates would use African slaves to launder money since they had a stable monetary value?)

    Sorry, if it’s a bit of a tangent. I find this stuff super interesting. Highly recommend “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” by Beverly Tatum and the doc “Exterminate All the Brutes” on HBO to anyone interested. Then come and chat with me about your thoughts! No one I know cares about this kind of stuff. It’s all rap battles and dumb culture war crap, but I digress (further)

  • Uhh, did I say it was bad somewhere? I don’t think I even stated my opinion about it. lol. Wtf u talking bout?

    It’s usually white people that say it’s not bad/offensive and/or that everyone should be allowed to say whatever they want or they’re just words, don’t get so offended, etc.

    I’m just teaching my white friends and fam their own history. Personally, I think it’s worse and more offensive that they don’t know or care about the atrocities their ancestors committed than the modern use of the word cracker. That said, it’s offensive like seeing a piece of trash on the street - it won’t ruin my day or anything but I’m well aware it’s stll trashy

  • I pay $4/mo, mainly for YouTube music (I’m part of a friend’s family plan).

    It’s pretty convenient since you can use the background audio on an iPad as well - I don’t use it often but it’s nice when I do. And there’s no ads there it’s pretty insane seeing the level of ads when I try and use my work phone which I’m not signed into.

    Also, you can make channels within your single goggle account so I made one for my mom and bro so they get no ads aswell. They have to sign in to my acct which can feel a little sketch but I trust them since they’re just using the YT app on their TVs. They stay in their own user acct. and it doesn’t affect my history or anything