• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I disagree from what I’ve seen so far. Most of the discussions I’ve seen lately about newly migrated reddit users have been folks who were lurkers or mostly lurkers. I myself used to be active on reddit years ago, but have been a lurker for a good 6-7+ years now or so. I think you’re correct as of a few weeks ago when powerusers may have migrated earlier, but I think the migration post-API implementation has been a large amount of non-powerusers. Of course, users that are 100% casual, and don’t have accounts at all or only rarely used Reddit, and might not even be aware of what’s going on, those folks I’m sure didn’t really move.

  • To add to this, I think people often underestimate how “easy” it can be to function in society without being able to read well. I know that some folks who either don’t read at all or read at a very low level have just gotten used to interpreting the world around them without the language part. For example, visually recognizing a username and password field on a website and knowing what they’re for, or recognizing the symbols and colors used for certain objects or meanings, all without the actual words needing to mean anything to them for them to understand what it is and what to do with it. And for those who can read at a 5th or 4th grade level (and would thus be included in the stat mentioned in this post), they’re likely then very capable of reading and understanding the majority of text they’re going to come across in their day-to-day lives.

    Of course, I don’t want this to sound like I’m saying being illiterate is easy, I’m sure it creates MANY barriers and difficulties for the person, but I do think humans are also flexible and resilient, and are able to survive using other cues.

  • Wouldn’t that in return cause the subs without those restrictions to end up receiving larger amounts of low-effort/value comments, from folks just throwing out comments randomly to try and bump their karma up enough to comment in the subs they actually want to participate in? Which means more subs instituting comment karma restrictions, and so the cycle continues?

    To be fair, I don’t know what the correct answer is when bots and trolls are such a problem, but I do think it was super frustrating from a user’s perspective and discourages participation from people who would otherwise want to participate.

  • Eh, I think discussing potential improvement ideas isn’t harmful, as long as it’s done respectfully. IMO, that’s how you figure out the best improvements, with people sharing different perspectives/opinions/etc. Most of the discussion I’ve seen about Lemmy so far has been like that, not demanding changes or being rude to the developers (in fact, most of the sentiment I’ve seen towards the developers/hosts of instances has been super positive, which is great). I don’t think that folks entering the community should feel unwelcome to voice their opinions, even if others might disagree or those in charge don’t choose to make those changes in the end. But seeing folks talking about these things and seeing the number of people in support or against something might help someone in charge realize that maybe some change or update would actually be really beneficial to their site, and end up helping them make something their even more proud of. Although, I can imagine a huge influx of people to any site like this, along with the sudden boom in corresponding discussions, is pretty crazy to deal with if you’re the creator(s) of said site.