Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The AFD is the biggest shitshow I’ve ever seen. We young People getting screwed over by the rich, and the AFD is telling us it’s the fault of Refugees. Why people eat this up? Because it’s much much much easier to punch down on someone then to punch up. And the funny thing is, the AFD is not even helping “their” people! They’re just helping the rich to get richer! I would bet Diamonds against acorns that the vast majority of AFD Voters haven’t even READ their election program! I’m ASHAMED that so many of my fellow citizens are voting for these lying and cheating disgrace of a political Party which is willing to sell them to Russia in the blink of an eye.

  • For me, it’s mostly retreat, regroup and get back. I accepted that it is okay not to be motivated the whole time. I take a break from everything and curl up in my room. When I feel better, I try to figure out what needs to be done first. And then I go back out.

    That’s to be said that constant loss of motivation, could be a sign of Depression or other mental and/or physical Illnesses. If this continues, you should talk to your Doctor about this.

  • This is the thing which keeps me from switching entirely to Linux. A friend of mine needs twice the amount of Time to start his Games (which is something I would have no Problem with) and what makes it not worth switching imo is that he loses the sound from Discord when he plays. He needs to restart DC then. And no one knows why ._.