• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2024


  • Cut a croissant in half. On the bottom half, spread out a healthy serving of a good chicken salad. Sprinkle a tiny bit of red pepper powder for a kick (optional but recommended). Put two slices of cheese on top of this. Put this in a toaster oven, preferably heat from above. Take it out when the cheese is melted. Replace the top croissant half and press down a bit so everything doesn’t fall out when you take a bite. Enjoy the best start to your day.

  • I was driving, my friend was in the passenger seat. It was night, and to my left the terrain was kind of generally sloping downward and away - so a fair view if there was anything to see, but it was night and not a populous location so nothing to see. Except, what must have been a low - and I mean low - meteor flew into the atmosphere in the same direction we were driving (on my left), lighting up the tops of the trees as it flew by in a giant fireball and it quickly became a smaller point of light and fizzled away. The streak in the sky must have lasted a good 2 full seconds and we were dumbstruck looking at each other after like Did that just really happen? .

    One of the coolest things I’ve seen to date.

  • Correct. Someone else below shared this link.

    “The Forestry Commission, who are looking after the area, decided that it would be a good idea to have a memorial to the tree and left a 50ft stem when they felled it,” said Mr O’Rourke, who has called his work the Giant Hand of Vyrnwy. “They invited eight artists to tender for the job and I got it.” He said the hand carving was in an area of the estate known as The Giants of Vyrnwy, and the location had inspired him.

    So, it was bound to be made into something or another - seems like a win like you said!