• 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Right, you would know about being deaf. Thanks at least for giving me the reason.

    I did specifically talk about monthly inflation. Showing the interanual inflation rate as an image and then saying it’s increasing is at the very least purposefully deceitful, given that current inflation curve will of course overlap with the past inflation curve which was the highest in years, with 211% so of course it will show as such?

    It it’s plainly even more purposely malicious when you do know what I am talking about when I express monthly inflation rates, which surprise surprise, that same site has as information as well, which does show slowing:



    But of course, that won’t fit your narrative, so you will disregard it as well.

    So yeah, pride yourself in trying to deceive people with whatever information slice you think fits your narrative,

    I do ask myself what will you do when that same curve stops overlapping. Probably nothing. It will stop fitting your narrative at that point and you’ll probably find something else to complain about

  • What economy? We come from literal annual accumulated inflation of 211% in 2023 only.

    1867% accumulated since the leftist party took power in 2018 to 2023.

    We come from 30% poverty in 2018 up to 50% poverty in November 2023. Those extra poor? All from previous leftist government. Clearly that’s not worth talking about.

    We lost 35k small and middle enterprises from 2018 to 2023. That’s 135 middle and small business closing per week.

    I ask of you, what burned economy? The one we come from and rightly so voted out the leftists in charge of it?

    I ask of you, what real struggle? The one we were left with for 4 years and rightly so voted out?

    You deny it, but for us lowering inflation, it is a revolution. Keep being sour over it, we sure did okay enduring while everyone else looked to the other side just because last government matched their ideology