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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • That does go a long way towards explaining why there are so many Bluetooth vulnerabilities, thanks for the info. Looking at the list of Bluetooth protocols wiki page gives me a headache. Surely there is a better standard, and I see things like HaLow, ZigBee, Z-Wave and other custom protocols, but it seems like there should be a very cleanly well-documented alternative to do the basics that everyone expects BT to do. This, coming from a total noob, speaking completely out of my anus. I just know that as a BT user, it’s a crapshoot whether there will be major audio delay, and pause/play actually worked, that’s if pairing works in the first place. But if something did come along I wonder if there would even be adoption among consumer devices.

  • Can any late teen-early 20s armchair philosophers once-over this for me?

    I have a theory. Never before on the internet (going on 30 years of it) have I seen so many curses used but not fully spelled out (‘f*ck’ for example).

    I believe the change has to do with social media and specifically short-form video apps (Tiktok, IG Reels, Youtube Shorts) - not all of which I am familiar with, but I know at least YT and I believe TT does as well. When curse words or words like rape and murder are used in text (or ‘subtitle’ text on screen) the video reach can be penalized in some way. I assume it’s similar in comments.

    So you have a ton of the younger generation consuming hours each day of censored curse words, and in their mind it becomes just what you’re supposed to do, socially. They end up doing it with each other over text, and consequently in comments. I have a younger co-worker who will gladly say “F*ck that dude hes a b*tch” in group chat, and when I asked him why he doesn’t just say the words he’s using, he said “I just don’t like to curse.” Which makes no sense to me, as it’s the same word and intent.

    I know some Lemmy instances will remove words, but generally only ‘bitch’ and derogatory slur words.

    So I hypothesise it’s simply unexamined social conditioning, where they see their peers doing it so they do it too, never questioning why.

  • Why can’t anyone just run a pharmacy without jumping through hoops chasing infinite growth?

    They can and they do. That would likely be any local, or privately owned pharmacies if there are still any near you. When a company goes public it becomes mandatory that they grow as much and as fast as they. They are now beholden to the board and other shareholders and if they aren’t chasing growth, they can get into big trouble.

    It’s completely their decision to go public however, and they go public knowing what they’ll have to do.

  • I really need to get everything transferred over to CVS.

    Maybe it’s different where you live but here I would simply need to tell my doctor “hey actually I want to use CVS now. Can you send the prescriptions to CVS at the corner of X and Y Street? Thanks”

    Then when you get to CVS you’ll need to give them your ID, phone number, signature, etc. and they’ll fill your script and that’s your new pharmacy. You can also use multiple pharmacies (I use Walgreens for one script and Kroger for the rest). If your doctor is disorganized with their notes and sends it to Rite Aid next time, just call CVS and tell them you want to get them transferred and they will call them and handle it for you.


    There is a MASSIVE strike of pharmacy workers across the country now. Mainly CVS and Walgreens but I asked my (local branded) Kroger pharmacy tech yesterday when I picked up a prescription if it’s affecting them and she said yeah they’re short staffed and she’s never seen the pharmacist so busy. So it’s likely to be affecting all pharmacies for the next few weeks as they play catch up.

    This is only a couple weeks after 75,000 Kaiser employees went on strike which makes me think it’s an industry-wide issue and we’ll see more issues in the near future. Support your local pharmacy people, if you still have one.


    Plugging GoodRx here. If you don’t have drug insurance or your drug isn’t covered, they’re a massively helpful cost-saving company. You just type in the drug name and dose and the pharmacist enters it like regular insurance. They save me a couple hundred each month.

  • Unless you’re making more than $16 each month (most are not making anywhere close to that) from Medium then you’re just choosing another company to profit off of you. It’s also more work and takes a lot (arguably, depending on your technical comfort level) more time because again… most people have nothing of much value to say. If you’re an expert on your field or a great marketer, sure maybe you can make that $16 back and then some. Most can not. You’ll know if you can, and you can look at your medium analytics and judge that and then do the Wix thing because…

    Do you own the content that you publish on Medium?

    Yes. Everything you publish on Medium, that is rightfully yours, belongs to you and you can republish, delete or choose to convert it into other forms without worrying about anything because Medium gives you the ownership. They have clearly explained this in the Medium terms of service.

    Medium (company) might use your content to redistribute, translate or modify, and they need your permission for this. They need licensing for this because of the Medium rule; “You own your content”

    Medium is like an ocean in part because it’s so easy and free. There are some really spectacular fish and animals and rare finds and even shipwrecks full of gold and treasure. There is also a metric shit-ton of mediocrity.

    A comparison could be made to YouTube or tiktok. Sure, you can make videos and upload them to your website and then share them. But there is immense value in the existing community in algorithm.

  • The thing about medium is that it’s a trusted domain + mailing list + blog + search engine in one. All you have to do is sign up and start writing, for free.

    Sure you can have your own domain, and spin up a cheap VPS which has WordPress or other blogging software, customize and setup the share buttons and theme and other plugins, pay MailChimp or another trusted relay to actually inbox your emails, use Google Analytics or some open source complex privacy-focused analytics, and then set up your advertisements or some scheme to contact you for article product placement if you actually want to make money from it. If you’re really good and knowledgeable in your field. That’s a lot of time invested and very expensive relatively (compared to free).

    I think a lot of people just want to share their knowledge, getting paid pennies for page views comes second to that.