• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • people 1) obsess over gathering intel as if they need to figure out what to do and then 2) stress over not doing enough and then 3) post shit online to feel like they’re doing stuff and 4) continue the cycle so that they never have to look inward and work on themselves. focusing on systems is the ultimate distraction. but i guess folks caught in the cycle would say that focusing on the self is a distraction from systems… what a sad, miserable life it must be. i hope one day they see that systems are just made of people are try to help those around them first and foremost… but it’s always people with the most fucked up personal lives that dive deep into politics

  • oh 100% i avoid it completely. i advocate for things in my own space and my own community. I’m not wasting my time talking about this shit online with any of you. i already know what im doing in november and i know what i gotta do in my local community and i dont give a flying fuck what anyone on here has to say about any of it. aint trying to change a bunch of random stranger’s minds (especially when i know we already pretty much agree on all the shit im already going to be doing)

    and instead of policing my communities to attempt to help create a politically tasteful environment for myself, id rather just … fucking avoid completely any political environment. problem solved, life easy

    PS if you block ads, you should block most news

  • Very interesting sentiments, very agreeable, but if this were one of my patients I would be quick to redirect the conversation away from “society is wrong” into “You’re realizing that you believe this is your path”. Generalizations like that do us no good. If it’s about YOU, then make it about YOU. If someone is dismissing YOU based on this stuff, talk about how that person’s words affect YOU.

    I bet $100 that this person recently had a conversation with someone where this kind of language was used. Or, maybe more likely, they saw some random irrelevant bullshit on the internet from a stranger and extrapolated messages about an entire culture from it. The culture is YOU TOO, buddy!