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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I wish I could remember where I saw it, but years ago I read something in relation to policing that said a certain amount of human inefficiency in a process is actually a good thing to help balance bias and over reach that could occur when technology could technically do in seconds what would take a human days or months.

    In this case if a person is enough of a problem that their face becomes known at certain branches of a store it’s entirely reasonable for that store to post a sign with their face saying they are aren’t allowed. In my mind it would essentially create a certain equilibrium in terms of consequences and results. In addition to getting in trouble for stealing itself, that individual person also has a certain amount of hardship placed on them that may require they travel 40 minutes to do their shopping instead of 5 minutes to the store nearby. A sign and people’s memory also aren’t permanent, so it’s likely that after a certain amount of time that person would probably be able to go back to that store if they had actually grown out of it.

    Or something to that effect. If they steal so much that they become known to the legal system there should be processes in place to address it.

    And even with all that said, I’m just not that concerned with theft at large corporate retailers considering wage theft dwarfs thefts by individuals by at least an order of magnitude.

  • I would likely in turn ask what makes him a bad person?

    As I alluded to I have plenty of criticisms of him, but does that make him a bad person? Maybe using the terms “good” and “bad” are a bit too binary. Like a lot of things in life those terms can be at least somewhat subjective and most people exist on a spectrum. Most people however don’t have large portions of their personality exposed to the world to see, nor do they have the livelihoods of over 100 people relying on that personality. I know for a fact that if my personality were broadcast to as many people as his is there are plenty of people who would take issue with certain aspects of it.

    As to why I don’t lump him in with people like Elon Musk or Jack Welch? He doesn’t strike me as being a complete self interested sociopath. He seems like he is usually trying to do right by those around him and that he does care about those people. For example the turnover rate at LMG is very low in comparison to other related industries. If he were that terrible to his employees it’s pretty hard to retain people as smart and talented as a lot of them are if they don’t like it there.

    I could come up with a lot of examples where he made some pretty bad decisions or how he doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up, but does that make him a bad person? At worst he strikes me as someone a bit brash and ambitious that got really lucky before learning how to temper that and is now having to learn it as he goes along while sometimes being in over his head.

  • I have a similar sentiment about Linus. He seems like he is overall a decent person, and I bet we would probably even be decent friends if we were to meet at a time before LTT/LMG, but I agree about wanting to punch him in the face sometimes. Some of the things he decides to dig his heels in about and be stubborn are really annoying. If he were just one of my friends, it would be pretty easy to either have a rational conversation with him or decide not to engage seriously and roast him about it, but instead he has a very large platform and a certain amount of influence that makes some of his takes a little more frustrating/damaging.

    All of that said, I have still had worse bosses and the bulk of my career has probably been spent working at much less fun companies.

    I’m not sure where I was going with that other than acknowledging that nuance exists and that he isn’t evil or anything, just annoying.

  • I’m right there with you, but I can’t ever seem to thread the needle. Like in your Matrix example I have had people get offended by a question like that.

    More generally speaking, I think it’s so difficult because a lot of people aren’t actually all that interested in learning or communicating in a way where a mutual understanding of each other’s base reality/knowledge are understood. They prefer to operate on their innate or learned social cues and prefer making assumptions or reading between the lines of what the other person is saying. Or in modern parlance, they just go by the vibes.

    I have watched two people completely talk past each other and misunderstand the other person and yet they both seemed to come out of the conversation pleased with the interaction so many times. It’s baffling to me.

  • That’s where I am at as well. I would be more than happy to pay for YouTube Premium as I recognize it is not an insignificant undertaking, and I even think some of the algorithmic suggestions are good (though an option to turn them off maybe?). If I am paying for the service though then I think I should then become the customer, not the product, and should have some guarantees to that effect.

    I’d also like to have a more clear idea of how much the service really costs. If it costs a lot to run, then just price it appropriately. Knock it off with this boil the frog bull shit and raising the cost every year or two.