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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • In my 20’s I was all for it. I understand where the techbros are coming from. Now with over a decade more experience, I see clearly we need to spend so much more of our energy healing from traumas on the societal level: To dispel imperial-colonialist mindsets. Im thinkin of Bo Burningham speaking about how the empires exhausted all physical territory, and then discovered Data, going on to colonize every waking moment of our attention.

    We need to shed the subconcious conquistador, with all it’s machismo, all it’s tribalism (most agregiously white supremacist nationalism) and covetous paranoia. It is a poison which will prevent us from making the societal leap from which all tides would rise.

    Until we do that, all we’ll get for this tech will be:

    • dystopic labor camp colonies on Mars
    • advertisements when we are trying to dream
    • Military tech developed under the guise of “medical 🌈 disabilities 🌈 quality 🌈 of 🌈 life 🌈 improvement 🌈 research” [1]

    And we collectively deserve better

    1: DeathPanel Podcast | Wheelchair-to-Warfare Pipeline

  • Its the Data harvesting that’s irking me. Not that data harvesting is new; but that i have a dreadful sense of M$’ “AI” scheming just crosses a rubicon of data harvesting.

    I’m backing away slowly. Dont care what games or executables i wont be able to run. Get ready for the accusations that im the “radical arch-loving myopic lemmy elite”: it’s finally time to run *nix as host.

  • Noone is accusing you of the very obvious, beligerent actions of the right wing authoritarians who ceaselessly perpetrate moral panics using fear based propaganda to consolidate their power.

    Anyway, Andrewism’s latest video directly addresses your originally expressed concern:


    It is not the single, momentous tsunami that shapes the coast, but rather the many small waves that erode the land with time.

    In short, a social revolution that “seeks to alter the whole character of society.” But what does that mean? People typically envision some massive uprising in the future akin to popular media’s depictions of the French Revolution, BUT in reality, as anarchists use the term, social revolution refers to an ongoing and intentional transformation of our society, economy, culture, philosophy, technology, relationships, and politics.

    It is not starting from scratch, but rather utilising the shell of the old to build the new, taking on a conscious engagement with current conditions and using the means that are compatible with desired ends.

    That process might be punctuated with flashy moments where leaps and bounds may be achieved, but much of the real foundations of anarchy are established in the interludes between insurrections.

    It is not the single, momentous tsunami that shapes the coast, but rather the many small waves that erode the land with time.

    The process of social revolution involves acts of confrontation, such as occupation and expropriation; acts of noncooperation, such as strikes and boycotts; and acts of prefiguration, such as establishing spaces of encounter, free schools, and alternative economies.

    If such efforts are effectively networked, they can grow large enough to practically counter the all-encompassing idea and experience of many that there is no alternative to capitalism and the State.

    I still recommend my video on the topic for a full explanation, with the obvious caveat that I would now challenge my consensus- and democracy-limited depiction of popular assemblies and cooperatives as a misrepresentation or needless restriction of anarchy, which can be more accurately…

    Not some tsunami to be scaremongered, but the regrowing of dormant ability to self-govern, which requires us to heal and educate from so many woundings and ills, misinformation and disinformation 🫶