• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • Also a lot of people don’t use trains because of the last mile problem. (And because in america specifically they are a lower standard than they were in the 1800’s).

    But if people could get a lift to the station and then to work. Or get the train 10 times a week and get a lift to and from the supermarket once a week without needing to buy a car. That will be a huge reclamation of space.

    Could even be like a 10 lane (total) motorway going to two train lines and a two lane road. Not to mention the space it frees on minor roads.

  • German people have genuine concern about lots and lots of people coming in and changing the fabric of society in a way they don’t want.

    It is also putting an increased stress on housing, depression on wages, higher tax burden and if the data is like what’s coming out of Denmark higher crime too.

    The only people that benefit are the land owners and the business owners.

    These are genuine issues that the left act like they aren’t real. Then they wonder why people who are listening to peoples issues get votes.

  • It implies that a person’s country of origin plays a factor in whether or not they can be considered a “good” immigrant.

    No. This is the bit that you all make out is what is going on and it isn’t. It’s an outright lie of what people think the issue is.

    Good and bad individual immigrants can come from anywhere that much is obvious, no one is ever saying otherwise.

    Not as a view as hard data. Governments have collected information on groups of people. They can group people by country so they absolutely have said immigrants from country A as a whole contribute more in taxes than they take out and commit less crime than locals. They also say immigrants from country B take more in taxes than they contribute and commit more crimes than locals.

    You can’t deny that.

    And this is where people think everyone on the left or fair left is mental for wanting such high levels of immigration from countries that have been shown in unbiased data that they make the country worse (as a whole obviously). It isn’t racist to want more from country A than B.

    This says nothing of immigration causing wage suppression and housing price inflation. Of course that’s going to happen its basic supply and demand.

  • You know that immigration is a net positive for every western nation right?

    That’s an intentionally misleading statement and is said in bad faith because you can use some stats to make it look like it is good but the full picture can tell a completely different story. But some people like this narrative and stick with it no matter what.

    It depends what you value. If you only care about increasing GDP, keeping business strong by reducing wages, increasing population and increasing rent and land values then yes. Though GDP has been shown to decrease even with record high immigration so that’s great.

    If you care about GDP per capita, or even better Discretionary income then no. If you care about crime the or tax contribution then governments that have released the data show some countries are much better than others.

    You can say all these XXXjobs are filled because we don’t have enough at home. But the issue is we don’t hire enough, there aren’t enough places to fill the jobs so we are forced to get foreigners in from our own policies. Wouldn’t we we better educating and investing in our own people, rather than giving the job they want and can do to another person? If you value culture immigration can be bad.

    It’s such a varied topic but the left has a mantra:

    “Immigration is good from any country in the world and if you have any reservations what so ever you’re racist”.

    Nothing else matters. The conversation is so horrifically closed down by the left that anyone that thinks lowering immigration is good for the country has to look at the fair right.