Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Your question sounds like a trap but I found a bunch of uses for it.

    • Rewriting emails
    • Learning quickly how to get popular business software to do stuff
    • Wherever I used to use a search engine
    • Setup study sessions on a topic I knew very little about. I scan the text. Read it. Give it to the AI/LLM. Discuss the text. Have it quiz me. Then move to the next page.
    • Used it at a poorly documented art collection to track down pieces.
    • Basically everything I know about baking. If you are curious my posts document the last 7 months or so of my progress.
    • Built a software driver (a task I hate) almost completely by giving it the documentation
    • Set it up so it can make practice tests for my daughters school work
    • Explored a wide range of topics

    Now go ahead and point out that I could have done all this myself with just Google, the way we did back in the day. That’s the thing about this stuff. You can always make an argument that some new thing is bad by pointing out it is solving problems that were already solved or solving problems no one cares about. Whenever I get yelled at or hear people complain about opposite things I know that they just want to be angry and they have no argument. It’s just rage full throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.