Андрей Быдло

вольный глас рассеи

  • 8 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • In spite of you saying it’s not for you, I think that finding a cheap hosting for your blog is the easiest solution there. With some effort you can export your Wordpress.com site onto an actual free WP engine they sit above. Then, with plugins, here come autoreposts to other social media and whatever you want. Low traffic means you can choose an options with the lowest price.

    As a bonus you can also host your portfolio page, get personalized email addresses, a VPN server to wherever it’s hosted, and basically an environment you can put anything to, even your own Lemmy instance.

    On the latter - the population of federated platform is very small but super loyal, and also lacking content. So I feel that even if you won’t consider making or renting your own server, establishing your blog here can get you a lot of interactions. Probably, some admins won’t mind if you make your own /c/ommunity for that as long as it’s not abandoned.

  • We can log active processes and services, windows’ headers and states, their and mouse’s position, integrate it with one’s git versions’ and browser view’s history, history of all file relocations done by select programs or\and by user. If there’s an AI assistant like M$ Autopilot, also log every request and output in a text form, log keys, back up settings and configs. If we talk about screenshots, pure text table is as light as a feather and is easier to work with, so this 3sec delay looks like an overkill, even though they’d find a way to compress it. With enough data, it’s probably easier to take time and reconstruct an approximate screencap than hoard it.

    I imagine dragging your position on a timeline across entire months may be a fun novelty. But I don’t see myself having a reason to use it and prefer to lose information over logging so much of it even if it’s secure.

  • Visiting relatives, working, studying, being a refugee etc are still on the table for those who are able to do that. I find it pretty reasonable due to the situation and not as huge of a barrier as the difference in average person’s wealth between countries and how it’s expensive and hard to get there in the first place. That kinda underlines the kind of people who can afford a vacation there. Can’t remember when I checked the tickets’ price but them alone were a ±yearly wage for a regular clerk from the countryside, and this is a leisure for the same group that can afford buying property in Dubai and who actively benefits from the war, corruption, power and siphoning natural resources. It’s more surprising this exact measure isn’t a usual occurence in Europe.

  • Besides what others say it also strenghtens monopoly on information, a resource used in research, but also valuable in creating hyped up LLMs (like Reddit did closing their API). Likes can be used to map which groups like what, which content is seen as valuable, singling out bot networks from organic reactions etc etc. This information enriches datasets you can gather (without paying Musk?).

    I would probably vouch for that info to be accessible to either no one or anyone. Twitter is still a public square where politicians and orgs announce stuff and leave their official remarks, so it’s more valuable if it’s transparent. And we also had some scandals with famous douches liking controversal shit or just porn from their main accounts (: