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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024


  • I would also like to see a deeper dive scrutinizing which situations call for it and which don’t. For instance, a game like Doke Doke Literature Club absolutely needs to warn people because it is a rug pull at its heart that switches to a truly twisted, horrific display of trauma/meta story telling, so people would have walked into a potentially traumatizing trap without a trigger warning. A game like that it would be irresponsible to not have one.

    To put it another way: trigger warnings are probably more effective in situations where a person can’t reasonably assume there are going to be potentially traumatizing moments/themes/etc. If you are going to see a WWII movie, you probably don’t need a trigger warning about violence/explosions/guns/etc. Though this is just my assumption and I would be very curious to see a breakdown of different situations. Suffice to say I imagine different situations call for it more than others, so making a blanket statement saying they are ineffective (other commenter) is also wrong on that front.

  • That’s a good point - voting for it!

    For my purposes I have a second proton email for things I may want to keep credentials for which I filter out, and the simple logins are almost always complete burners so I end up deleting half of them anyway. The moment I start getting unwanted spam I touch the simple login accounts and start making new ones.

    As someone with many hobbies I get things from all sorts of sites so it’s just kind of necessary if I don’t want to drown in spam lol

  • I mean I understand there are a lot of caveats to that statement. Like I said, just kind of a surprising number. A company as massive as Spotify can have its revenue shift 10 of millions easily within a year, which means with a little nudge they could easily become unprofitable.

    It would be like, I don’t know, realizing after you’ve paid all of your bills and groceries everything you have $300 at the end of the month. Not a lot of wiggle room. This isn’t sympathy and the stakes aren’t the same lol, I’m just saying their margins are not as high as I would have suspected.

    A cursory search shows me competing figures - 7000+ and 15000+ employees. Both are very, very large numbers. Id have guessed they make hundreds of millions a year, not mid-8 figures. That’s probably what their payroll runs for 3-6mo.

    Edit: for perspective, they have over 200mill paying subscribers. If ~800,000 left they’d be break even. That’s like .4% of their MAU’s.