• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I’m torn between curating what I subscribe to here to eliminate overly negative things, with wanting to stay in the know specific industry topics and about important world events.

    Unfortunately most of the important world events are negative. And my industry is a disgusting race to the bottom of the consumer exploitation barrel.

    So on some days I just try to not open specific types of posts if I know it’s just going to get me down. I stick to memes and comics on those days

  • I think a lot of sweet things taste awful. But that doesn’t mean I watch people drinking Coke and can’t understand why they like it.

    That’s because taste is subjective. I only drink things I like. Do you really think people, other than teenagers experimenting, are drinking things they don’t like?

    And getting black out drunk, again young people aside, is not the aim.

    I think you might be a bit sheltered. Not liking alcohol or drinking is fine and normal and should be encouraged for health reasons, but you’ve made some big assumptions about people.

  • I’m unnaturally good at flat pack furniture assembly. And I know how pathetic a brag that is, given it’s a set of instructions and equipment. But everyone I know complains about it. I genuinely like it.

    I set out all the materials and count them against the inventory to make sure they’re all there. Then I follow the instructions.

    Whenever I’ve helped someone else do it, they start trying to figure out what attaches to what in the abstract, they tear open bags of bolts as they go and grab the one that looks right only to realise later that it’s 2mm shorter than the one they’re meant to use.

    I don’t get it. It’s a recipe with all the ingredients provided. Prep the ingredients, cook following instructions.

    My partner, who falls into the category of just trying to guess things, is pretty much banned from assisting me until there’s a bit where another human is necessary. But even then I’ll make do using leverage from furniture if I can.

    And that’s my super long comment about how I’m good at something that’s remarkably easy, because it’s designed to be easy, but everyone wants to make it hard and then fight about it.

    Also, here’s a great song with a relevant clip:


  • Driving past a school the other day this is what I saw re the kids waiting for the bus/to be picked up

    None of them were talking to each other. Just staring at their phones. Just seemed sad.

    Went to the movies the other day. Two women in their 60s were regularly lighting up the row by reading text messages and their message tones kept going off throughout. When the movie ended and me and my friend were discussing what we thought of it, those two just sat silently playing with their phones.

    I’m regularly almost side swiped driving by soccer mums my age (late 30s) looking at their phones rather than the road, with a bunch of kids in the back, all on their phones.

    They’re important devices and critical for the world we live in. But it’s not healthy to be indifferent to the world around you while you stare at these rectangles, all the time.

    It’s not just one generation. The boomers are shocking. But we’re letting down alpha.