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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023

  • The definition of “operating systems” is not really clear. Some say the operating system is what is called the “kernel”. In the case of Linux operating systems, that kernel is called “Linux”. Most people, however, say that the operating system is the whole thing you install. That is, the kernel + a bunch of other apps.

    For example, in windows: notepad, internet explorer (now edge), paint, and all those apps are part of the operating system, that’s what people mean when they say “windows”. It’s the whole package. Other less obvious parts are drivers for example.

    In the case of Linux, most distributions ship with a bunch of GNU programs.

    “Akschually people” argue that the GNU parts are as important (if not more) as Linux itself for the operating system, so they feel like all the hard work of the GNU developers is shadowed by the people that say “Linux”.

  • In the world of computers, why would remembering numbers be the stop for new technologies?

    Do you remember anyone’s public key? Certificate?

    I don’t even remember domain (most) names, just Google them or save them as bookmarks or something.

    The reason IPv4 still exists is because ISPs benefit from its scarcity. Big ISPs already paid a lot of money to own IPv4 addresses, if they switched to IPv6 that investnywould be worthless.

    Try selling static IPv6 addresses as they do now with IPv4. People would laugh at them and just get a free IPv6 address from an ISP that wants to get new users and doesn’t charge for it.

    The longer ISPs delay the adoption of IPv6, the longer they can milk IPv4 scarcity.

  • As a dog owner, I wish this happened in my city. Every time I walk the dog I have to be extremely careful not to step on other dog’s shit.

    One time my GF was walking the dog wearing sandals and stepped on a dogshit. The owner of the dogshit approached her and told her “How dare you walk on sandals here, dogs shit here”, he later said “I’m a very good dog owner, I always carry a bag with me” (I guess to pick up the shit if police is nearby) “But I don’t like picking up the dog’s shit, it’s nasty”.

    People just suck.

  • IDE git is less powerful than CLI git. However I’m pretty confident that most people use more features of git by using a GUI.

    CLI feature discoverability is pretty awful, you have to go out of your way and type git help to learn new commands.

    With a GUI though, all the buttons are there, you just have to click a new button that you’ve been seeing for a while and the GUI will guide you how to use it.

  • Serializing? For serializing you probably want performance above all else. I’m saying this without checking any benchmark, but I’m sure yaml is more expensive to parse than other formats where indentation don’t have meaning.

    For human readability: it has to be readable (and writeable) by all humans. I know (a lot of people) that dislike yaml, toml and XML. I don’t know of a single person that struggles to read/write json, there is a clear winner.