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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Bingo. Why did I begin to stink when I hit puberty even though I showered twice daily and lived in a temperate climate? This person makes it sound like no one would stink if they simply never start using deodorant, when the reality is that people start using deodorant because they realize that they stink without it. For centuries, people around the world have used perfumes to cover their BO before (and after) deodorant became available. Why would they need this if they simply don’t use deodorant?

    I also know a woman who swears that you never actually need to wash your hair. Your head will stop producing as much oil and you’ll naturally have beautiful hair. She is a lovely, smart, confident, and attractive woman, but her hair is greasy and stringy AF.

  • I can’t think of any problems I’ve faced in over 3 years. I have an app on my phone that I can use to temporarily disable my Pi-hole if I need to do some testing, but I don’t know if I’ve ever had a situation where the Pi-hole was the source of a problem. Definitely not a maintenance headache. I run an update on it every now and then, but only because I see a notification that there is one, not because there’s something going wrong.

  • It’s my own fault, and the result of 30+ years of muscle memory building up. Plus, while I agree cmd isn’t nearly as powerful as powershell or wsl can be, when I’m in Windows it’s still the fastest way for me to do 90% of the simple things I need to do. I have a long history with it, and a thorough understanding of it, so I don’t really need to think for most of the things I’m doing there.

    If I need to script something, or do anything that seems like it would be annoying to do in CMD, I hop into WSL pretty quickly and get to work with bash or python. The problem I have now is that I’ve developed a little muscle memory there as well… hence my issue with entering ‘ls’ everywhere.