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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • I mean the government pretty much already has a death note, of a kind. If you’re not Gary Webb, then they could always just slip some shit in your water main or whatever, or otherwise just kinda kill you however they want. So it’s not all that useful for them to have, other than being cheaper and maybe making some political assassinations much easier.

  • You know I do kinda wonder what effect that would have culturally, especially if that became a kind of trend or mainstay. Like, obviously a big investigation would take place as to the cause of death. Doubt they would come up with anything, but obviously, huge scandal. After that, do the successors keep getting killed since they’d probably be the same or worse, or what happens? What would happen in response to that? Would they rename the party, launch further investigations, would they attempt to dissolve the party? Would they attempt to believe in different ideals out of a kind of fear or natural selection, or what? Would they all just devolve into extremely conspiratorial thought as they desperately tried to ward it off?

    I mean, if they figured it out, then they might even just start putting them out under aliases or fake names or something.

  • Huckleberries. I never see them as a commonly available thing in stores, eaten alongside things like bananas, which sucks, because bananas are some plant grown like a thousand miles away and I can go outside and go gather my own huckleberries if I wanted. It should be really easy, I live in an area where they grow.

    So, that, but also just more broadly I kind of think that after learning enough about different regional botany, we’ve both crippled basically every ecosystem with a bunch of invasive species, we’ve crushed the human experience into a very narrow square set of experiences which includes the biodiversity that you can see around wherever you are, and we’ve made food worse. Because we’re not using local plants for our food, you see, we’re just using a bunch of generic ingredients that are sort of unnaturally made out to be universal across entire hemispheres, maybe even across the globe. No regional variation outside of specialty goods, only Mcdonald’s.

    The thread’s gonna be against this opinion broadly, I think, but there’s not like, it’s not just the huckleberry, you understand, there’s a lot more out there that you don’t know about, both edible and not.

  • That’s probably just their truck being shite, without regular maintenance, and such. As you’ve pointed out, lots of them don’t own their trucks, and “rolling coal” generally refers to the practice of intentionally modifying a diesel truck to shoot out unburnt diesel fuel, usually through a straight pipe, and usually angled to be facing other cars or people they’re hazing or whatever, from what I’ve seen. It’s not unlikely that semi truckers, which is a sector that uses a particularly large amount of diesel compared to the normal car having population, would have a percentage of the fleet at any given time which is falling behind on maintenance to try to eek out more profit. Maybe their engines are just running rich, or probably more likely they have clogged air filters. Dunno what would be causing it to get past the catalytic converter and the rest of the exhaust manifold though, and just blow out straight with black smoke. That all seems like it would probably have to be modified intentionally, to see it with any frequency, ja? I dunno, hard to say.

    I dunno I also say you’ve seen it around austin and san antonio, around college campuses, and that checks out to me as a more political kind of phenomenon, then just, say, seeing people running around town and hazing bikers or whatever.

    So, I dunno. Does it count as rolling coal if your car is just shite?

  • okay real question for the omega libs here: where do you see people that are like. worth taking seriously, right, that are worth engaging with (maybe that’s the major filter that I’m blocking out here since most people seem incapable of choosing who they actually want to engage with), who are the people that are worth engaging with that aren’t going to vote for the old zionist rapist guy? I mean, the democractic one? I’m pulling your chain there but like for real, where do you see the opposition that’s actually real?

    Most of the shit that I’ve seen, still, is like, people rightfully saying “oh, biden sucks, here’s why”, and then people bringing up “trump’s worse”. Like okay, just because I hate pancakes doesn’t mean I suddenly love waffles, you know? Food analogy I know I know, but really, like, where’s the real opposition coming from? I’m discounting the super pro-biden turbolibs also, because they annoy me with their smugness. So far as I can tell, the people who are fervently anti-biden to the point of like, idiocy, right, weren’t going to vote for him basically in any context, regardless of you know like damage control strategies, or the fact that voting didn’t take that much effort in totality compared to other activism they might do, or like, oh, could they vote as a protest in a non-swing state that’s basically guaranteed commitment to biden already as a kind of protest vote with questionable utility, that sort of thing. Most of the “opposition” I’ve seen hasn’t been actually calculated about any of that, because none of that stuff is really very controversial, or, it shouldn’t be. Most of them have just been like, not worth bothering with. Probably not russian bots or trolls like everyone would constantly say, because that’s also fucking idiotic, but probably, they’re just stupid people who aren’t worth wasting your time on.

    Basically why the fuck is everyone wasting their time on this like, stupid bullshit? How come every election, in equal measure, I see “vote blue no matter who” imbeciles trotted out in lock step, to shout down at “I will never vote for anyone because I’m a posadist accelerationist” terminally online idiots? There’s no nuance or real depth to the conversation, or strategy, it’s just like. Both sides can construct a strawman, and then basically get away with it because, on the vastness of the internet, said strawman is guaranteed to exist, especially if I make it kind of a vague ghost that I’m punching at. And then because of that, nobody ever has to actually like, work out any of their arguments in depth, because they’re too busy kind of churning forth the cycle of idiocy.

    I dunno, maybe digg 3.0 is just not conducive to good political discourse.

  • I mean, those neighbors sound awesome, for one. For two, they also keep rent low, which is pretty good.

    But in any case, if you want them to move out, probably I would [redacted]. As a bonus, you won’t have new neighbors for maybe a year, unless they just throw in a manufactured home or a prebuilt or something. On the downside, you might have to deal with construction noises next door.

  • I don’t know if that’s true

    I’m like 90% sure it’s not, it’s just one of those things that people do as a kind of “common sense” solution, because dogs are generally seen as a pretty disposable object. Like how they used to kill, and maybe still do kill idk, any animal that kills or attacks a person, just kind of on the basis that “that there animal is a man killer. ain’t no goin’ back from that, it’s got a taste for it now.”. Just dumb shit.