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I write code, that’s about all I’m rn

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • TBH I kinda agree with the states here… I started watching porn waaayyyy too early and it’s fucking me up… without a doubt… I shouldn’t have seen all the things I looked for and now I gotta put up with it.

    But I also agree with PornHubs decision. There is no way to verify age without exposing your identity. There isn’t even a way to trust a 3rd party to verify someone’s age.

    There really isn’t a middle ground, the only way to protect kinds (like little me) is to block the porn. But websites go on and offline every few minutes, VPNs and Tor are free and hard to blacklist.

    How do we censor internet porn?? ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

  • there is a small subset of outwardly powerful humans who deeply suck

    Yeah the deep shadowy cabal of suited white men pulling strings. I’ve heard of that and I disagree with it. I don’t think it exists. Maybe there are some big people who basically own their industry, but I refuse to accept that they exist outside of the media and insurance sphere. Media has no power unless government reinforces it, and we regulate the shit out of insurance companies. Now that’s not to say that we don’t regulate insurance enough, there’s plenty more control we the people can and need to take. Maybe there’s one or two other industries that are owned by a powerful person. But I refuse to believe that my government that I pay tax to, vote on, and listen to is too weak to snuff out a company that grows to the size of a government. FAANG is 10% as powerful as the US Federal government and I refuse to accept that it’s more.

    We’ve seen our government repeatedly stomp out monopolies in the US and outside of it. There are plenty more to stomp out, but just because it hasn’t been done yet doesn’t discount the strength of us Americans projected by our government. We can change, and its hard.

  • Thank you for your perspective as a product manager. You gave me some insights that I have seen happen to me, but I never really understood why. I wish I had more visibility over my company so I can understand some of these things, it would be better than just accepting it as “boss knows best”.

    I’m gonna take some notes from you before I try to convince my boss of a really cool idea I have for my company.

    is that a therapist should never try and convince you of anything

    Ehhhh IIIII wanna defend my guy. My therapist is the greatest conversationalist I’ve ever had. All of my sessions revolve around me asking him to convince me of whats right in the world. If I agree that he’s right I make a change and more than 80% of the time I see a clear benefit. He’s not trying to convince me that he’s right because I asked him too, because when I did try that he’d refuse or just wouldn’t, and I’d count that as a loss from his end. He can’t always win for me but when he does, its a real good win. So I guess the word “convinced” might not be as accurate as saying “we walked through this conversation until I got to a place of understanding”.

  • Simply put, if your company operates at a 50% efficiency and you bump it up to 70% with tech and automation, be assurance you are going to see job cuts and increased targets to produce more

    And there’s the point. I do not disagree that technology puts people out of a job. What I want to understand is whether or not that technology is creating more value. And if so than more technology means more value which means we can eventually get to a place of so much societal surplus that we can reorchestrate soceity to enjoy the benefits of it. That’s the end stage of capitalism, it will become outdated eventually. Capitalism is a growth phase, and growth hurts, I’m the last person in the world to deny that.

    The reason it ends is because there are people who are poor and sick and starving and I AM NOT OK WITH THAT! If I was than capitalism can persist, but I don’t want it to because I don’t want my fellow Americans, my fellow people, to suffer. There’s no way to acknowledge my priviledge enough when I say that yeah, people have to suffer for all of us to grow, and it hurts that some of those people won’t be there with us in the end, and it’s terrifying to think that I could be one of those who don’t see the end.

    So that’s where my question is. If a company experiences a +30% efficiency boost due to technology, does soceity benefit from it?

  • How is create react app or spring boot outdated

    CreateReactApp was actually declared deprecated in favor of Next.js. I guess I think of springboot as outdated because we have much better ways of routing an HTTP request through buisness logic, going maximum k8s ingress is my preferred way, it scales way better than a springboot monolith.

    Edit: the source of why I know CRA is deprecated

    There is a new framework every 6 months. Newer isn’t necessarily better

    “Newer isn’t better” is exactly the reason we have so many frameworks and technologies. When filtering a liquid you have to put pressure on it to push it through the filter. Just the same with technology, it’s more like an idea, you need lots of ideas to put pressure on the others to find which one is the best one. Springboot came from a time when there were less framworks to choose from, that’s the only reason its big, not by merit.

    It is not only expensive and time consuming, it requires hiring people with special skill sets that aren’t transferable to other apps in the company.

    I don’t agree that that’s the case anymore. Most softwares deployed today are so platform agnostic that the only thing limiting where it can run is the nature of the software itself. It doesn’t make sense to run an android app on a cloud vpc because litterally why would you? But since the advent of React, 99% of all UI components we see on screen can have their source in a library the app pulls from, then it could be an phone app, or a website, or a desktop program. Docker revolutionized how code runs on computers so now you can write any buisness logic in any language and then shop around for the cheapest cloud host or onprem hardware you want, you no longer have to consider the computer when writing code*.

    I don’t believe programmers should be specalized, this litterally only comes from my experience and my opinion, but frankly whether its code to display things on screen or get data from a database or do some deep introspective calculation, it’s all the same code, even if its a different language. There’s a difference between buisness logic and implementation, any programmer should beable to put together any sort of buisness logic they’re asked to do.

  • I think you’re right.

    TBH I can’t even see the real value in companies I see listing jobs on the job sites. I’ve been trying to talk any path, anything just so I can work. But what good is my work if it’s not actually working for the rest of the world. How can I secure my next hit (writing code presses my happy button, idk why I just accept it) if I’m working for someone who noone actually needs? I want to make a change for the world because I need to make a change for myself. I need to work because working feels good, it wakes me up in the morning, it gives me focus, it gives me a sense of success and I actually cherish it. Every little line of code I write is mine, that’s why I cryptosign my commits, so they’ll always be mine.

    Maybe its actually not me, it’s the people I can work for.

  • Unpopular opinion.

    I’d like to have the choice not to “own” these kinds of things. I’ve felt this since I was young and I heard about the 3rd version of the iPhone. If these things get upgraded and get better every year and I’m “supposed to” upgrade every single time then it makes sense to just lease these things.

    And now with electric cars being basically on the same upgrade schedule but half the speed, why would I own an electric car for 8 years when next year the new electric cars save like 10x more for me. It wouldn’t make sense.

    Phones get an upgrade every year, and in 3 years your phone might become ‘invalid’ and you have to upgrade. So just borrow the phone from the maker and get an upgrade easier.

    Unless you actually want to own your things, go for it! It’s a free market and you should be able to buy your phone in its entirety just like you could buy a car 10 years ago in its entirety. This choice should be easier is all I’m saying.