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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    20 days ago

    This is because tech bros only read pop-psy without any regard for context or nuance. So they read a bit about Flow state and ranking for gamification, and as usual they just botched it. Most ranking is typically calibrated for engagement, not fun. Mind you, they are two different characteristics. If you graphed difficulty and skill, flow is a band, not a point, of difficulty, in the middle. The idea is that when you are challenged slightly over your skill, there is something in you brain that stimulates you to keep going under the promise that overcoming the challenge will be rewarding. Too high and people rage quit, too low and people get bored. The problem is that they want maximum engagement and for that the difficulty has to be on the higher end of the band. A frustrated person will return, a bored one most likely won’t.

    They also want to keep people engaged with random and variable reinforcement. The other psychological theory that drives game design, much how behavioral scientist cheat pigeons to keep them engaged pulling a lever or pushing a button. Mix both theories poorly together and you get the awful implementation we see on multiplayer. People are tricked into believing that just because their brain chemicals are screaming at them to keep doing something, it means they are having fun. But that is obviously not true, just nobody ever occurred that those pigeons might be having a awful time. Ask most people on ranked MP or grinding for builds on MMOs if they are having fun and they have no idea why you’re asking them. It has nothing to do with fun, they just want the carrot being dangled in front of their nose.

    I just don’t do online MP anymore because of this. 99% of the time, I’m not having fun. Now if I want to play with my friends or other people, we play tabletop board games. Infinitely more fun and far more satisfying than any online game ever.

  • Wayland is developed by the same people who created and still maintain X11. It’s been on the works for a decade, but, and it is a big but, it’s still experimental. Sure, feature wise it’s 90% there, but it also creates a lot of incompatibility issues, as applications have to be made with Wayland in mind. There’s Xwayland that is included in most, but not all, deployments of Wayland that run X apps in Wayland, but that has compatibility issues as well. I get a lot of flak for saying this but, Wayland is not yet ready to be the universal replacement for X11, and that is OK, this is not entirely on the Wayland developer’s hands. Adoption of new technology takes a lot of time and it requires all developers on board.

    Mint precisely because of their “just get it working” philosophy only provides experimental support for Wayland. As X11 is the mature implementation and no software will malfunction for using it, as they are all virtually designed to work with X. However, if you have the latest version of Mint, Virginia, you already have Wayland available to you. Just choose it on your display manager before login in. But it is marked as experimental because some software might glitch.

    Mint is trying to create the most straight forward and easiest experience to the vast majority of people. We might have normalized it in the tech circles, but the vast majority of people don’t use multi monitor setups. The non-tech people who do, usually do it on an enterprise setting where IT deals with the technical details.

  • Dock firmware. If changing the cable did something, chances are the chips on the dock are not working nicely with the OS. It is a hit or a miss for what I’ve researched on it. What you have to know is that a Usb-C cable is only the physical shape of the port, what that port can do depends on ancillary chips implementing the protocols, and the protocol has to be supported on both sides of the connection. So, something on your current driver configuration is not talking with the dock. Maybe try running a newer kernel and see if that helps.

    Also, the 30fps lock might be due to X11. I’ve not tried Wayland but this is one of the points the evangelists like to ramble about. Something, something, if both monitors are not equal and connected through the same protocol it doesn’t work, just use Wayland or whatever.

    For what is worth, lots of people do complain online about docks not working with Windows and some even stop working after a few months, those things are fickle as hell.

  • Well, this kind of things are rarely purely about the sex. It’s not an hedonist desire for pleasure, but about the taboo exertion of absolute power and ownership over a person that is unwilling, or is illegal for them, to submit. Just like how some rapists aren’t doing it for the orgasm, but for the violence of subduing and dominating a person. Now, a healthy person would be satisfied with a fantasy, some would venture for a consensual role play. Psychopaths with unlimited power and money know they can access and usually get away with the real event.

  • The problem is that the first is easy, the later is hard, nigh impossible.

    Software development is notoriously hard to predict. Specially features against time and cost of development. But video games are even harder to predict. It’s impossible to know how many copies a game will sell, you might as well hire a tarot reader. Specially if the game doesn’t exist yet.

    This is not a justification of the AAA practices. Quite the contrary, things are this way because mid and high management refuse to do their job or plainly suck at it. I guess that the adage still rings true: I want smaller games, with worse graphics, made by well paid developers who work less hours. But this games have never sold billions of dollars or sparked billion dollar game as a service IPs. So executives think it can’t be done and keep expending more in a desperate chase of the golden eggs goose.

  • I thought that Kagi would have way more users. That blog was an interesting read. If that is their financial management, they’re doomed to fail. The founder also seems somehow worse than Brave’s. But it does give me a chance to mention something I’ve been thinking about for the past 6 months.

    There’s right now a massive trend towards co-opting in tech. Where startups and corporations use current trends in the tech savvy consumer to push products and services that ultimately actually go against the trend. Privacy, security, federation, climate change, open source. But just like most con men, it’s all performative, not substantial. They are trying to get fast to the wallet, then run for the hills with it. It reminds me of common greenwashing from oil companies, I call it privacywashing. In the end they still get to keep your data, and push anti-consumer tech like blockchain scams and fraudulent AI.

  • I wish you never have to find yourself facing a corporation. The power imbalance is so massive that you feel like an ant, it’s the most disempowering experience anyone could face in legal terms. LTT could destroy people’s lives and it would be decades if ever, for them to ever have to face consequences.

    This is why I always default to believing the individual over the corporation. The corporation has no soul, no heart, no conscience and no remorse. Imagine being a person who wants to speak up about something else you know for certain happened, but a million dollar law firm just put in writing that such kind of thing didn’t happen. You have no recourse or power, it’s your word against a literal army of lawyers. Regardless of whether the investigation was good or not. The result still has a silencing effect.

  • The Steam launcher client itself is still on X, it will run on Xwayland. What the store front Steam runs on is irrelevant though. The Steam helper will run the game on the best possible configuration for the machine, and gamescope can run proton compatibility on Wayland, as long as the game runs on a library that supports it. If the game doesn’t support a Wayland capable library, the game will be run through Xwayland. This is literally how the Steam Deck works. The Steam client not being Wayland is not on itself any limitation on the graphical quality of the games.

  • Dude, shut up. SteamOS is Wayland. Only the Deck shell (and KDE desktop mode used to) uses X in XWayland mode. But all games run on Wayland. Without Steam massive push of Proton we wouldn’t have the booming Linux gaming scene that we have now. You fucking lot are insufferable, this is why nobody likes Wayland. It is super good, massively better than it was before. Can it be better? Yes, sure. But shut up and let people cook, would you? Recognize a good thing when it happens. Just because it isn’t perfect yet doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

    EDIT: You can downvote all you want, that doesn’t change the fact that SteamOS is Wayland, it runs the Gamescope compositor. You asked to be corrected, here I’m correcting you.