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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m talking about outspending on defense and offering settlements. It doesn’t take much to exhaust a wage slave’s capacity to keep a suit going, even pretrial.

    There’s a reason most cases settle before trial. The judicial system heavily incentivizes settlement and corporations can spend more on lawyers than their employees can.

    The employee’s lawyer is also gauging the cost benefit to their own time spent on the case, so the client/employee ends up getting shafted.

    Of course, if there is a really egregious case, like you’re envisioning, that can go farther down the road, but it’s still an uphill battle for the plaintiff.

    Edit: All this isn’t even taking into account the fatigue plaintiffs go through, waiting for their cases to even get in front of a judge can take some serious time and then a trial can be even lengthier.

  • BlueTriton (depressingly corporate garbage name, btw) is still basically Nestlé.

    Reporting shouldn’t be allowed to further obfuscate the corporate hierarchies involved in fucking up everyone’s lives. If reporters included all the arcane structural and legal bullshit that corporations pull in order to escape even the slightest sliver of responsibility (and spin public perception), the average reader would be much more aware of the corporatocratic hellscape in which we live.

    Edit: added a bit because it’s technically not Nestlé but that’s the whole problem as the technicality is about as far as it goes…

  • The first dentist I ever went to was great. He was good with kids and adults and did his job. He was realistic about kids being kids and gave us the tools and information to make sure our teeth were healthy. I had him all the way through my braces and into high school. He then retired.

    My next dentist was a horrendous, preachy, asshole who loved to tell all of his patients what was wrong with them, make people feel bad for their decisions to drink soda, and surmised that we were all eating too much junk food (which he wouldn’t really elaborate on when asked). My diet wasn’t perfect, but I had mostly home cooked meals with steamed vegetables, along with the occasional fast food lunch with friends.

    He was also Mormon and I know a lot of Mormons love to get on their high horse and take pleasure in being petty, insufferable, assholes. I haven’t read their batshit book (albeit, most in that genre are similarly zany and harebrained), but there must be some discussion on how to be a bad neighbor to everyone you meet in there based on their predilictions for unfair/unwarranted judgement and exclusion. He only hired other Mormon dentists to his practice and all the dental assistants were similarly preachy and religious.

    I dreaded going to the dentist for mostly social reasons and didn’t want to be shamed by being told that I had better take care of my teeth (which were fine) because my parents had spent a lot of money on my braces (and it wasn’t that much money because the first dentist wasn’t a sneering profiteer).

    I ditched that asshole once I went to college and have had a couple dentists since then who were fine, did their job and didn’t give me a bunch of flak for not flossing after every meal like a fucking psychopath.

    Fundamentally, I think the issue with dentists is that when you get a bad one, they make you feel bad, which is the absolute antithesis of healthcare.

    Additionally, because of the arbitrary and asinine distinction in the US between oral care and basically the rest of the body, dentistry is seen as cosmetic and unnecessary, often allowing or obligating dentists to charge an arm and a leg for most of their services. We all know how prices ratchet up from initial obligations to cover higher costs into “fuck the consumer, they were fine paying the higher prices anyway so let’s increase our profit margin”.

    Compound that with the ridiculous price setting and insurance rackets baked into anything close to the health sector, and you have a lot of frustration even before patients get into the chair.

    If you’re not a dentist who will practice compassionate care, at least be one who just shuts the fuck up and does their job. Of course let the patient know what’s going on in their mouth and how they can better take care of themselves or treat something they’re dealing with, but chill the fuck out with the fire and brimstone shit about missing a cleaning or not flossing all the time.

    Healthcare is all about bedside manner. If you don’t have it, you’re not a good provider and your business can and should suffer (the fact that our healthcare structures are businesses and profit motivated is fundamentally opposed to effective care, anyway, but that’s the subject of another essay).

    Edit: Cleaned it up a bit and added that my first dentist retired.

  • It’s well worth a look. You’ll know if you wanna keep going with it within the 2 hr playtime steam refund if you wanna go that route.

    I’m all in, but if it’s not your cup of tea, at least steam can refund lol

    Fwiw, it’s the closest thing to dungeons and dragons I’ve ever played in a video game and I feel like it’s pretty accessible even if you’re not versed in DnD fifth edition.