
I am a loyal non-binary Kitsune servant of Inari Ōkami-sama. I have ADHD and I am bisexual. I draw and write as a hobby, and I’m a proud Linux user.

In my spare time I like to share Kemono/Furry videos and pictures of beautiful Kemono/Furry Femboys.


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • HP inkjets are horrendous. I absolutely refuse to buy them because they are absolute junk. They have always worked, and I could connect to them with no problems with Android atleast. Windows finally could connect once I had assigned it a permanent local IP through the router. Though Linux had problems…

    But the build quality of HP inkjets are absolute horrendous and I probably can only get 6 months out of them and probably spent more on ink cartridges in a year before the stupid printers suffer a complete hardware failure and need to be replaced.

    The HP mfp 183fw colour LaserJet printer however… It is my second forray into HP laserjets since my dad’s original black and white Hewlett Packard LaserJet beast from the early 90’s.

    But I feel like I got incredibly lucky after doing some research into it (plus only thing I could get locally at the time since I needed a new printer immediately.) It cost more than any of the inkjets I have owned in the past. The toner carts definitely cost more… But it is still going strong a year and a half after purchasing it and I have only had to replace the black toner cart only a week or two ago. Have not had to replace the colour toner carts yet. It also just works on Linux which I am happy about.

    Like I said, I may have just gotten incredibly lucky though, I mean getting a year and a half out of it is still more than I expected and the money I saved because toner lasts much longer than ink.

    When and if this printer gives up, I will probably get an Epson laserjet.

  • For me, I am on my mobile 90% of the time, though I am at my desktop a lot of that time as well. But I use my desktop mostly for gaming and work purposes. My mobile is where most my entertainment and web stuff happens. ( ̄ω ̄;)

    Web interfaces on mobile stink most of the time. Let’s be honest. And Reddit’s was bad. Even old.reddit.com looked bad on mobile.

    My favorite 3rd party app for Reddit was Joey. And why I loved it was that it was a simple and intuitive interface that made browsing reddit fun. Like other 3rd part apps, Joey had a menu screen you opened to see your list of subscribed subreddits, but it also had tabbed subreddits where I could scroll over from one subreddit I was viewing to another. It was a really nice interface.

    It also made reddit much more accessible for mobile users like myself which when compared to the atrocious 1st party reddit app… It was a night and day difference. Joey was quick, it was fast, it was intuitive, when their were bugs they were immediately fixed. Where as the official reddit app was slow, it was buggy, when 3 bugs were fixed, 12 new ones always cropped up immediately after. I never saw that with Joey.

    Lemmy is kinda along these same lines. The web interface on desktop is fine, but on mobile, it stinks. So developers of all sorts including former 3rd partyreddit app developers (Sync for Reddit) are getting in on developing apps for Lemmy because they want to create a better mobile experience.

    Currently I am using Jerboa since I like it the most, and it is the most feature rich at the moment. But I am testing and trying out other Lemmy apps to find any others that will be a better fit down the line.