I just put a toilet in my camper van. My own place to poop no matter where I am!
I just put a toilet in my camper van. My own place to poop no matter where I am!
How about putting all app data in storage0 so it can be easily backed up. The thing I care about most if my phone is stolen is being able to build a new one and not have to spend the next day reconfiguring every damned app.
Ride smooth not fast has won me some mountain bike races.
ssh to my bastion.
Yet it’s the sysadmin who gets blamed, not the developer. “How can you tune the database so this doesn’t happen?”
Not always. Only for-profit driven companies that offer no tangible product.
Many of the forums that I hosted were free to the orgs that used them. I’m already paying for the server and network for my own use, so why not give back to the communities that I am a part of with my other skills as a sysadmin?
But they killed APIs entirely for nsfw, so that is broken now too.
But then anybody can connect to its default broadcast. Better to pair it to something you can control.
Prevention, as always, is much easier than a cure.
I concur with most of your points. Docker is a nice thing for some use cases, but if I can easily use a package or set up my own configurations, then I will do that instead of use a docker container every time. My main issues with docker:
Marketing ruins everything.
They (gop) really want a civil war.
LRTI surgery.
I have a few of them. Not bad with projectivy launcher. I added wired Ethernet, storage, and audio out with otg cables.
Unity is the reason I moved to mint.
Profit > Security. These companies don’t care so long as the consequences don’t affect profit significantly enough. Infosec is always an afterthought, if considered at all.
You can easily pipeline simple things to do more complex things. That’s the point of written language.
Give me somebody who uses markdown with pandoc and I’ll be impressed.