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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024


  • Regarding weights and measures:

    I don’t think in metric, and there’s a strong possibility that I never will. I came of age in an educational system that taught metric units alongside imperial, but also in a day-to-day world that heavily skews towards imperial units.

    If I see metric units that I can’t immediately interpret in my head, it’s absolutely trivial for me to get the conversion by other means. It’s equally as trivial for someone who uses metric to make the opposite conversion.

    Anyone losing their shit about it is acting performatively.

  • You’re misinterpreting the simplified version of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. I don’t know if it’s by way of malice or of ignorance, but the end result is that you’re confidently wrong.

    The requirements set forth in the Constitution say nothing about any arbitrary cutoff date to gain ballot access. Don’t believe me or the Constitution?

    How about The Hill:

    “First: Yes, she is old enough to run. The minimum age to be president is 35. Ocasio-Cortez will celebrate her 35th birthday roughly three weeks before Election Day 2024.”

    Or maybe you will believe it from Oliver Willis:

    “Can she run? AOC was born on October 13, 1989, which would make her 35 years old on November 5, 2024, which will be election day. To run for president, the Constitution requires a candidate to be 35 years old or older. AOC would be constitutionally eligible to run for president in that year.”

    If those don’t tickle your fancy, how about Fox News:

    “However, Ocasio-Cortez would be eligible to serve as president or vice president in the 2024 campaign cycle, narrowly making the age cutoff. She will have turned 35 by Inauguration Day on January 20, 2025.”

    If you still need further sources, maybe ABC can provide both information and precedent for you:

    "Does the age rule apply from election day, or inauguration day?

    It applies on inauguration day — which these days is usually January 20, in the year following the election.

    That means a candidate can campaign in a primary race, be nominated as their party’s candidate, and even be elected to the presidency at 34 years old — as long as they’ll be 35 by the date they take office.

    Back in the 1972 election, one virtually unknown Delawarean senator-elect reached this age minimum by the tightest of margins.

    Joe Biden was 29 when he was elected, and had just turned 30 by the time he was sworn in."

    She’s eligible, and you’re propagating a lie whether you intend to or not.