• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I remember learning about how to use this back in the day and what a game changer it was for my workflow.

    Today I like to do all of the commits as I’m working. Maybe dozens or more as I chug along, marking off waypoints rather than logging actual changes. When I’m done a quick interactive rebase cleans up the history to meaningful commits quite nicely.

    The fun part is that I will work with people sometimes who both swear that “rewriting history” is evil and should never be done, but also tell me how useful my commit logs are and want to know how I take such good notes as I go.

  • There is a fantastic podcast about public executions that I listened to years ago, which detailed how the public loved public executions no matter how violent or gruesome.

    People would come from miles around, they would rent balconies above the execution site to get the best view and have parties while they watched someone suffer and die. Part of the reason public executions lasted as long as they did was governments being reluctant to take them away from the public.

    I’m not sure that keeping it palatable is super important to the process. The real argument against execution is that we know for a fact that sometimes innocent people get convicted; to be ok with executing criminals you must be ok with the occasional innocent being killed, and I would argue that even a single innocent being killed by the state is too much to accept.