I think the situation here is similar to Telegram. Russian connections, but not in a impactful way. I use both without worries, but if this doesn’t suit somebody, there are alternatives.
I like computers.
Also the banner is taken from here.
I think the situation here is similar to Telegram. Russian connections, but not in a impactful way. I use both without worries, but if this doesn’t suit somebody, there are alternatives.
Doesn’t play in the jerboa, but I love it regardless.
Syncthing plays nicely with obsidian if you ever have to synchronise the vault between multiple devices.
Not so much about testing, but one time I really needed to get to my backups I lost password to the repository (I’m using restic). Luckily a copy of it was stored in bitwarden, but until I remembered it, were perhaps one of the worst moments.
Needless to say, please test backups and store secrets in more then one place.
It’s the first time I hear about resticprofile and it looks nice. So far I’ve been using crestic for configuration files. Do you know how they compare?
Yes that works. I think it’s even more reliable then chrome, which just prompts you to restore tabs rather then just doing it.
In the 3.x era, fully replacing the windows shell was easy and there were lots of options.
That’s such a good occasion to share a video I found recently, here: https://youtu.be/iD7AezjG5YE
Sort of. Already mentioned classicshell allows for some customisation. Things like FancyWM introduce window tiling to the os, but none of it is comparable to what android launchers can do.
Also an obligatory linux mention. If you do not depend on certain, windows only, applications, Linux provides much more customisation. Different desktop environments can be though as something analogous to android launchers.
Oh, so we’re playin Inception at a whole world scale. Nice.