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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It is extremely expensive and arduous to bury lines that have been aerial for decades. The cost to bury existing lines is exponentially greater than the cost to keep fixing them as needed for decades. New lines are sometimes buried depending on whether it’s an upgrade to existing infrastructure, power going to a new neighborhood, etc.

    Do yourself a favor and look into exactly what it would take just to get approval from the city, county, etc and right of way from the various owners of land where you want to bury them. Not to mention the hell that would cause for traffic when you have to shut down roads to go under them or worst case tear them up and replace them.

    I am not giving the utility companies a pass here but it’s not as easy as some people seem to think it is.

  • We should stop voting for people who promise to dismantle said services. We also really need to move towards a basic income setup instead of having all of the hoops and paperwork for people to prove they are eligible for whatever it is. In the USA people going on disability are always denied even if they are a paraplegic. We would spend so much less money and other resources if we just made it available to everyone with no proof of eligibility needed.

  • Get over yourself. This isn’t about you, I said nothing to attack you. I said that you probably didn’t know how to find food that wasn’t from the usual source which is not an insult, it’s a statement of fact, I didn’t know about csas until my wife taught me about them.

    Would you consider it an insult if I I said you probably don’t know much if anything about quantum mechanics? Would I be attacking you by saying that it’s sunny out? If so, you might want to talk to someone.

    I’m going to add you to my block list because I don’t have time for people with a combo of comprehension issues and a persecution complex.

  • That’s not how that works. It’s illegal to sell unpasteurized milk, the only way to get it is to either know someone willing to risk it or to have your own cows, goats, etc.

    Most of the population (including the redneck trumpers) have no clue where to get meat, dairy, produce that isn’t from the grocery store or dollar general. I was in that group until I moved to what I call country’ish and met my wife who had been using csas for decades.