• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


    • Yars revenge on Atari 2600.
    • Kaboom on 2600.
    • Pitfall on 2600.
    • Myst on classic Mac.
    • Dark Castle classic Mac.
    • Diablo 1.
    • Star Wars Dark Forces.
    • That weird Ayn Rand utopia in the sky Bioshock sequel on any platform.
    • The Star Wars Battlefront game that came out around rogue one on Xbox until the developer started tweaking with it and it became a griefer’s paradise.
    • Gauntlet arcade and home versions. So fun to play as co-op.
    • Ms Pac Man arcade.
    • Tempest arcade.

    And a shout out to Arashi, which was a great classic mac homage to Tempest.

  • Pandora works pretty well for discovery, and has multiple “modes” so you can hear album tracks, not just hits. Just put in a few songs of a genre and/or artists you like to build a station of similar suggestions. Use thumbs up/down to tune it. I will warn you that after a year of doing this, it might get in a rut of playing things you’ve already thumbed up. If that happens, switch modes or create a new station.

    YouTube suggestions also has a pretty decent suggestion algorithm if you start thumbing up music you like. It’s also a good place to look at a particular label’s catalog.

    Both are free with ads.

    Also, if there’s an artist you like, be sure to look up who produced your favorite tracks. Chances are they’ve done similar music with other artists.

  • You’d think evolutionary, there would be at least some green mammals to help them blend into the plant life around them. Like bunnies hiding in bushes, or monkeys in trees. I suppose shades of brown work similarly in the same situations.

    I know some predators don’t see color the same way humans do — could the lack of green and dominance of brown have something to do with seeing motion, or heat, or something else we don’t see?