• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Here is a more detailed explanation of the exploit.

    The Pepaire-Bueno brothers exploited a bug in MEV-boost’s code that allowed them to preview the content of blocks before they were officially delivered to validators, according to the indictment.

    The brothers created 16 Ethereum validators and targeted three specific traders who operated MEV bots, the indictment said. They used bait transactions to figure out how those bots traded, lured the bots to one of their validators which was validating a new block and basically tricked these bots into proposing certain transactions. […]

    So hardly an attack on any core system of cryptocurrencies.

  • It can be a bit annoying sometimes, but there are solutions for almost anything, like alternative clients and frontends. I also think it’s important to remember that this is not an all-or-nothing situation. Every little bit of privacy you can preserve helps, even if you still have to use their services sometimes.

    If your example is mostly about chat then Beeper might be a good option for you. The messages on FB and IG would still go through Meta, but at least you don’t have to install their apps.

  • It’s hard to overstate what a nothing-burger this article really is! Let me break it down:

    • Signal got $3 million from the Open Technology Fund at some point in its development
    • Some anonymous source alleges that the OTF’s ultimate goal is to promote US foreign interests
    • The current chairman of the board Katherine Maher worked at the National Democratic Institute and Wikipedia before
    • The same anonymous source says she was recruited because of connections to the OTF
    • She has at some point voiced the opinion that a completely free internet without regulation just reproduces existing power structures, and that balancing regulation and 1st amendment rights is a tough problem
    • Signal doesn’t have reproducible builds on iOS (it absolutely does on Android btw)
    • Some people feel like Signal chats come up more often than they should in court cases and media reports

    That’s it, that’s the whole story. That’s the reason why the Telegram guy of all people thinks you should be careful, and better use his chat service instead, and the Twitter guy agrees.

    I mean, reproducible builds on iOS would be nice, but that platform has much bigger problems from a privacy/security/sovereignty/freedom standpoint anyway. And the rest is just nothing turned up to 11.

  • If you have a monopoly and need to maximize profits then the question becomes: Why not?! You could extract more money this way, and it’s not like your users would go anywhere else at this point.

    That is why it’s so important to fight and break up monopolies, and to limit what these companies can do. Because they have no reason not to squeeze every penny they can get out of you!

  • There are a few variations in German:

    • (hin)zugießen/dazugießen (pour one liquid into another)
    • (hin)zuschütten/dazuschütten (also including rubble/powder/…)
    • (hin)zugeben/dazugeben/hineingeben/beimischen/hineinmischen (also including solids, basically add+mix)
    • (hin)einrühren (also stir the mixture)
    • zusammengießen (pour liquids into each other)
    • zusammenschütten (also including rubble/powder/…)
    • zusammenmischen (also including solids, basically combine+mix)
    • zusammenrühren (also stir the mixture)

    Ofc all of them are combinations of existing words: (hin)zu/dazu≈added to that, bei≈with, (hin)ein=into, gießen/schütten=pour, schutt=rubble, geben=give, rühren=stir, mischen=mix, zusammen=together. You could probably build many more, but those are the ones I think are fairly common, and also found entries in German online dictionaries for.

    German is really just an elaborate word construction project.

  • From what I understand the GDPR says you have to give users a real choice about the usage of their data, without any unreasonable negative repercussions. Having to pay money (at least as much as they are asking for) is such an unacceptable repercussion, no matter how FB might phrase it.

    They are allowed to take money or show ads for access, but they can’t couple that decision with the one about the user’s data usage.