I’m a staff software engineer at Sunrun, the USA’s largest residential solar installer.

I mostly work with kotlin, but also java, python, ruby, javascript, typescript. My hobby is picking up new hobbies. Currently bird photography and camping.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I’m not in the business of collecting user data and don’t really want to be. In regards to logs, we restart our containers every 6 hours and the logs are wiped at that time, so the furthest back logs I can actually find in our system are from an hour ago.

    And nah, I wouldn’t give in. There’s no real reason to request that information, as accessing a url means absolutely nothing. I did so just now to verify things and the same could be argued by any real user (oh, I clicked on the link and didn’t know what it was going to). I very much doubt the past 6 hours of logs would be useful anyway, as by the time I got the request the logs wouldn’t matter anymore.

    But, I’m still going to see if I can turn off logging for requests. I do not think we need them at all, and if we do, we can simply turn it on for a few minutes to get the info we need.

  • Cuz it makes no sense. You wouldn’t complain that the iPhone doesn’t work as a skateboard because they don’t want you using it as a skateboard. It doesn’t work as a skateboard because it’s not a skateboard. All companies design products to be used the way the company wants you to use them. If op is talking about it being super locked down, that’s also incorrect. I can disable plenty of the security features on Mac and it continues to work just fine, compared to windows where if you disable UAC you literally cannot use your computer the same way and it will bug you constantly. It’s just a trope that isn’t really true at all.

  • You evidently had enough time to post elsewhere, so it’s not unreasonable to think you might’ve read my reply already.

    Evidently? Huh?

    How is the WP article showing misinformation? It basically boils down to “Israel alleged something and provided some evidence, but we think it’s not conclusive”. It does not show that Israel knowingly lied about anything, which is what you’re insinuating.

    The article is literally about how Israel claimed a bunch of things as complete truths and then every single thing they claimed was wrong.

    This has been the case for almost everything Israel has said until this point. They lied about hostages being raped, they lied about not going to bomb specific areas, they lied about certain areas being safe for Palestinians, they lied about only trying to kill hamas, and have killed over 20k civilians as a result, they lied about not actively trying to kill journalists. The list is endless. It’s perfectly clear that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and if you support that, I’m sorry but you’re absolutely evil.

  • Also cf is about the only way to make federation affordable and safe. If we didn’t use cf on programming.dev, the server charges per month would bankrupt me. I’m not getting nearly enough donations to cover the bandwidth costs for every single call, cf covers like 70% of the bandwidth for free just due to caching. And cf also allows you to block and report child porn, thus taking another burden off server administrators.

    People that think you shouldn’t use cf just do not understand what it takes to run an instance.