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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • How can it not be true though? Terminal shines when you chain together more than one operation.

    Imagine doing this in a GUI: list the files in a large directory, ignore the ones with underscores in them, find the biggest file, read the last 1000 lines from it and count the number of lines containing a particular string.

    Thats a couple of pretty straightforward commands in a terminal, could take 30s for an experienced terminal user. Or the same task could take many minutes of manual effort stuffing round with multiple GUI applications.

    I’m certain that I do tasks like that (ad hoc ones, not worth writing dedicated software for) tens of times in a typical work day. And I have no idea how GUI users can be even remotely productive.

  • If those shelf brackets are fixed in place and screwed in with two screws above each other that’s probably enough diagonal bracing for lightweight use, considering it’ll normally be screwed into a wall too. The fact that theres no horizontal bracing at floor level might be a bigger issue — those feet will be easily bent/broken

  • I don’t understand why people are just taking it for granted that everyone’s watching youtube.

    I’ve watched maybe a video a month on youtube for the last decade. It’s a noisy loud messy platform and I don’t understand what people enjoy about it.

    I watch Netflix a bit and at least the shows there are actual produced shows and not just some bullshit some teenager made up in their spare time. Even if a lot of them are still trash there’s a much higher signal:noise ratio than on youtube.

    So my solution is: just don’t use youtube? And obviously use an ad blocker or piped.video if you do occasionally visit it.