• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • How did you install jellyfin?

    It should not core-dump (read: hard crash, something has gone terribly wrong), at best you should get a configuration error and errors like that.

    You can see the logs of any systemd service/unit with this: journalctl -u <name of sevice> so in this case journalctl -u jellyfin (Tip: add -f to follow the output of a running service - useful for monitoring).

    Note that some programs log to their own files (and not to stdout) so if the above command comes out empty you should look into /var/log/ directory.

  • Using pip to install packages outside of venv was always a risk, (newer) pip now has this mechanism to really drive the point home that this can break stuff.

    Do I have to do this everytime I start the script via console?

    Yes, one way to get rid of this requirement is to package the script as binary/executable package (add pyproject.toml with some sane defaults and with proper [project.scripts]) and then install the project using pipx - pipx install -e path/to/the/project/, the -e flag stands for editable and is nice to have here as you won’t have to reinstall everytime you change the script.
    What pipx does is that it creates the local virtualenv, installs everything the package declares as needed and adds a special executable script into location like ~/.local/bin/ that first sources the venv and then starts the entry script - keeping everything isolated.

  • pipx won’t work for that, it’s a library.

    If you are working on your own project/script, you should use virtualenv for development and install all required libraries there.
    If you need it because some system installed application or part of your system does not work without it then… you are in bad place - pip is python package manager primarily used for general python development (installing depending packages, and in theory also for packaging python projects) but it should never be used as system wide package manager - you will break stuff (especially when used with sudo).