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Joined 19 days ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2024


  • Yep there might be plenty we disagree with regarding their investments and their affect on the environment but we are just lying to ourselves to say people arent making a living due to some of those investments, having our lives enriched, and generally benefitting us in ways we would demand to keep if they were all magically erased.

    Kind of useless to talk about this in any way to come to a sentimental conclusion though because we arent looking at a distribution of data to inform us what generates the most environmental impact and how much value we actually get from it each investment. Its just a big ambigious number until we look into it. Which we wont. Because nobody here actually cares enough.

  • But duuuude when you say “burn to” you are using the terminology you say is incorrect. You would have to say “from this cd im burning a copy” and yet you yourself are using the verbiage “burning to” which directly implies the original cd is being burned [to a copy].

    The whole point is that people used burning as a short way of saying what you are saying is correct. People made burn into a verb as a replacement for copy. Its the same thing as saying im burning this data… because you are indeed burning the data onto a copy. People can say “im burning this disc” to mean the same thing this is fucking stuuuuuupid

    Edit: its like “im tattooing a tribal pattern onto this guys ass” is the same as “im tattooing a tribal pattern”

    Does that mean someone is tattooing something onto a tribal pattern? No!!! Go away please

  • Sorry but a new pico headset wouldnt do much of anything. New meta headset, new valve headset would give a bump.

    Really needs better content. The hardware is almost there (in terms of cost and accessibility of the experience).

    Its slowly getting there. But the current population of vr users is characterized by: who would play the same limited experiences consistently with hardware that is often cumbersome and loading screens that arent super long but become your entire existence and its annoying.

    Meta sucks but they have been a boon for vr development.

  • Thanks. I sped read and hope its okay if i raise some quick thoughts.

    I thought it was interesting how it mentioned LLMs arent a mind that is formed in nature. I would offer a dumb conjecture that agi, while a mind, might still need an LLM as a component to actually handle the amount of data of a society. Like you said, LLMs are useful if you know the answer or at least suspect when to revisit a result. Maybe we are missing the biggest piece of agi, but handling data is really important and this still benefits us right? I think we will need more than a mind from our local nature to create god.

    Im a pretty skeptical person. When i used chatgpt i was pretty blown away and wouldnt say i was leaning into the idea that it was sentient. I just saw an incredible new tool, and through using it, now understand the pitfalls and can get awesome results that would have never been achieved with googling in the amount of time i spent. Most all of the heavy lifting i have it do i immediately verify through testing and its correct often enough to realize huge gains over googling and my local library etc…

    I think the criticisms of LLMs and their capability arent inaccurate but maybe short sighted? I think criticsms should currently focus on its performance for how we are using it… not how laymens might imagine using something they dont understand. Ultimately any use cases should be heavily tested and perform more accurately than human counterparts (where we are talking about replacement of humans anyway). If we dont find the gains from those applications to validate the power use… or whatever… then we are always capable of recognizing that.

    But i think its 100% valid to push back against idealized predictions but i also think shits gonna get crazy. I think theres a lot to be gained, and i question why LLMs cant be a stepping stone to greater computing milestones even if LLMs themselves aren’t a component of agi in the end.

    What im trying to be convinced of is the criticisms arent as overblown as the hype.

  • I guess i have been overly defensive against you, but i saw your first semantic argument as being obtuse when to me, saying it was probably a joke does not evaluate to: ‘musk is blameless and im siding with him’.

    Defining a joke to me, seemed a little combative compared to asking me a clarifying question so i felt like you were trying to discredit me instead of trying to understand, which seemed like punishing a commenter for not aligning with the sentiment of the chain. In hindsight i think your comments were fair…

    Forgive the run-on response: The top comment on this chain mentioned it was a joke, and the reply was that it was not a joke. I guess they could have meant that from the perspective of a semantic definition of the word joke. I interpreted it as them saying musk did not intend it as a joke.

    When someone says “i was just joking”, it does not always mean they delivered a joke by your definition provided above, in fact its usually the case that it doesnt because they are having to tell their audience its not a joke. If i were interpreting “i was just joking” with the intention to accurately understand that person, i would assume they meant: “i wasnt serious”, “i thought it was funny to say that”, or “whoops that wasnt recieved like i thought it would be”.

    All that to say: to me, musk genuinely seemed to miscalculate the poor taste of his comment. In my opinion, Musk didnt seem to try to incite violence, which is the basis for the outrage. He is just short-sighted and the consequences are far reaching compared to a normal person saying something which would otherwise just be “a bad joke”.

    Edit: And yeah to be clear i think he’s an idiot. But i dont think he had evil intention here.

  • Approaches in good faith*

    Why do you think its so crazy to create an ai god, as you put it (agi)? Can i ask your background on that topic? Im a dumb new software engineer and i use LLMs. They fascinate me with the potential for mass accessible education and quantifying huge amounts of information for new insight.

    I know some tech companies are investing a lot into energy solutions because the energy problem seems very real. I agree the acceleration of resource usage seems pretty crazy. Are their any opinions from top minds in the industry that raise similar concerns? Between uneducated memeing doomers on here, and self interested companies using it, its hard to objectively talk about ai. Isnt it kind of like… its here and not going away, and we should be on the cutting edge to not let bad actors capitalize with ai (fraud is crazy rampant since ai).

  • Yeah i can imagine theres a definition he isnt meeting for him to call it a joke. Im saying i think he truly believes he wasnt being serious. I think he was being edgy and sarcastically accusing democratic elite of an assassination attempt.

    And i would expect someone to follow up with how irresponsible that is, and that it still doesnt fit the webster definition of a joke. Please understand that im an imperfect human being who was giving their opinion about their perception of musks intention based on very little context.

    Sometimes its impossible to post a comment of your own opinion when it could potentially be percieved as going against what is objectively morally right… when really there is no deeper meaning than my perception.