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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • I seriously have a boiling hatred for computers now because I couldn’t even be a little bit mean. I’ve snapped a few times when people blamed me for problems years after I worked on their stuff, but mostly I just got trampled on and robbed at every turn because I didn’t want to upset anyone.

    By the time I was mean enough to demand payment and things like that, I already hated it.

    My daughter is passionate about computers, so nowadays if I so much as want to tweak something a little bit I let her do it unless she don’t want to. I don’t want to burn her out too.

  • Your dad sounds like the childhood hero of mine who got me into computers.

    Severe ADHD prevented me from ever learning to code, but I became damn good at repairs and things and just general understanding of computers because he was available to ask questions at almost any time.

    He went to school auctions every year and got me a pile of hardware to learn from. He never asked for anything in exchange. All around great guy.

    I heard him on the phone a few times dealing with the people who he worked with though. Good god he was mean. I couldn’t imagine him being that way with me ever, but he was brutal when it came to work and money.

    A dude called him one time while I was sitting there, he listened for a few minutes and he said, “I’ve got a 14 year old kid here, he’s been doing this stuff for about 2 years. I’m gonna let him walk you through this for the 10th fucking time because you’re a goddamn idiot and feeling like a fool when you hang up the phone with a grown man isn’t teaching you any lessons. Maybe get a pen for this one because if I have to remind that a child walked you through it last time, I’m not going to be so fucking friendly.” I was so nervous, apologized multiple times, when I was finished walking him through it he took the phone and said, “now don’t you feel stupid? 25 years and this kid just schooled you.”

    He told me, “you gotta be real with idiots or they’ll bother you with stupid problems every single day of your life.”

    I wish that lesson had stuck haha, it just wasn’t in me to be mean. As a result, a hobby that I was passionate about all of my life is something I avoid like the plague now. People ruined it for me by bothering me constantly.

  • Ah, yes. I see. My friend, when you serve the one true religion you feeeeel it deep down, as though god is talking through your feelings.

    You can’t just allow people from false religions to galavant around claiming they are part of the one true religion. And, see, since we’re all immortal (at least in the true religion) this world doesn’t matter really, except where religion counts.

    Gaaaaaaah. The whole world filled with people with perfectly good noses, and yet they breathe through their mouths.

  • All I know is that I long for it for some damn reason. As an Appalachian kid with too little to eat, that shit was heaven. I don’t know if it was just because I was hungry, but I was sad to see it go.

    This made me think of something else too.

    My mom used to stop at a gas station, send me in first with a food stamp dollar to buy a .05 cent piece of gum. My brother would do the same thing, then we’d drive down to the next station and do it again. Finally, at the third station we’d come to the car and give my mom the change. Once we were done, she could afford enough gas to go visit my aunt and my cousins.

    Once the EBT card came out that was over for poor folks.

    People would stand outside of gas stations and stop people, “hey bro, I’ll buy you two twelve packs of soda for two bucks. You can get a candy bar too.” They usually end up trespassed. The smart ones would sell the cards for half their value (smart? I know) so they didn’t get banned from stores.

    Working in a gas station in Appalachia I seen a number of people open their wallets and have several EBT cards.

  • I exist because my mother told my father that she was taking birth control. My father hasn’t been a part of my life except on a few occasions where he wanted to be here and there, and I don’t hold a grudge. My mom proudly told me this when I was about 9. I don’t blame her either, she raised herself from the time she was 4 years old when her mother committed suicide. She did the best she could with what she had as a person with no education and no parents to guide her.

    My father came for the birth of my oldest biological child. He came for a few Christmases. He showed up when I was going through a divorce and helped me fix a car for my now ex. He didn’t have to do any of that. I barely know him at all, and even though it bums me out from time to time, it is what it is.

    Life is a mess for everybody haha.

  • Oh it was awful, totally not worth it. He had cocaine as well, but he didn’t get charged with the acid. He was drunk, 17, on Xanax, in his mother’s car. When the police got to him he was eating the cocaine and had to be hospitalized because of his heart.

    Funny thing, I was telling his story earlier.

    His mom turned him into a junkie to control him. Sad thing really. She did all of her kids that way. He was the only one she turned into a junkie, she convinced the rest they were schizophrenic.

    Poor guy has seen nothing but trouble his whole life.

  • Make folks hallucinate. It doesn’t do that, not really. A person who is hallucinating is unaware that they are hallucinating. They see things in their environment which aren’t there, or hear things which aren’t there.

    LSD can produce stunning visuals, but there is never a moment where you are unaware that those visuals are being caused by the drug. As for the auditory side of it, it enhances music kind of like thc does, but on a much larger scale. I would say that’s the wildest part. For me, with very slow, subtle movements of my body, I could feel like I was moving into and around the music. Still though, I was fully aware that the drug was behind it.

    There are no pink elephants, not really. Though, I would say that my imagination was a lot more vivid and my mind more likely to wander. Still, I knew it was my imagination.

    I’ve heard some fake ass stories about people being surrounded by fuzzy bunnies and all kinds of stuff.

    I will say, I haven’t taken an absurd amount of it at once. I haven’t taken it in more than a decade either.

  • That depresses me.

    I grew up in their test market. I watched every friend I had lose their parents to opioid addiction. I watched my dad go from busting his ass caring for us, camping trips, fishing trips, and hunting trips, to hanging out behind a car wash with other unemployed junkies while we cooked on a wood stove and had no electricity.

    I grew up in it so it was normal. I ended up on it. You either had a social life or you didn’t. There weren’t very many sober people left by 2005.

    I have seen death and chaos all of my life. My brother and I are among about 5 boys from our neighborhood left. We got sober because luckily our mother never touched the stuff and was able to be there for us. The rest in our age group are dead. Overdoses and suicides because of the addiction.

    I knew nothing but violence and chaos as a kid because they lied and made junkies of entire communities.

    Money is magical. As long as you pay your taxes you’ll be fine. Might have to deal with some embarrassment from time to time, you might get your name taken off of something. Other than that, luxury and protection.

    The only reason Holmes is in jail is that she fucked with other people with money. She should have found a way to get rich poisoning the poors.