• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • I used to live somewhere where I needed a car, and I didn’t think much of it.

    But after moving somewhere where I hardly ever needed a car, I ended up selling mine within a few years because I simply stopped using it. I realized that alternative forms of transportation were far less stressful and way less expensive than driving, and I never turned back.

    If you live somewhere that requires a car to get around, you’re stuck. If you don’t, I highly recommend switching to public transit and dumping your car. We underestimate how much stress driving adds to our lives because we never get a good chance to take a break from it.

  • So, admittedly, $3.3 Million is low-balling it, and that the real figure is probably something like $20 Million, assuming that each tourist stays ~1 week and spends $299/day as you have quoted.

    But these numbers don’t mean anything in a vacuum. More context is needed to understand the actual impact of this decision.

    The Maldives have a GDP of $6.55 Billion. Assuming that this costs them $20 Million in tourism revenue, that’s only a 0.3% drop in GDP. The annual fluctuation in GDP is ±9%. The impact of banning Israeli tourists is less than a rounding error on the Economy of the Maldives.

  • Amen. People will downvote us for calling it out, but this is absolutely bigtory on display.

    I mean, Fuck Israel, they are committing Genocide. Let’s get that out of the way, I don’t stand for what Israel is doing at all.

    But everyone deciding that every single Israeli is a “piece of shit” is just making broad discriminatory statements against people because of their Religion, Ethnicity, or National Origin. They aren’t “criticizing Israel”, they are spewing hatred about Israelis and Jews in retaliation for what Israel is done.

    Fuck those people. The same kind of assholes who attacked Arab Americans following 9/11, because they decided that if they were mad enough, they could hurt whoever they wanted, and as long as some part of their victim’s identity was tangential to the issue they were mad about, they were justified in doing it.

  • One manager at a hotel makes a claim that an indeterminate number of Israeli tourists (as few as 1) stole an indeterminate amount of property (as little as nothing) from his hotel.

    And you’ve decided that this represents the failed moral character of 10 million Israelis?

    I am really sick and tired of watching people decide that, because they oppose Israel’s attack against Gaza, that they are permitted to spew hatred about Israelis and Jews because of their Religion/Ethnicity/National Origin.

    Focus your energy on the actual enemies here: Netanyahu and the IDF. There are millions of Israelis and Jews that oppose what Israel is doing, and this constant stream of hateful rhetoric is keeping these allies at arms length from the rest of the movement, because too many people refuse to have clarity of target.

  • Jesus, the comments here are deranged.

    First of all, you can be as opposed to Israel as you want, as it relates to Israel being a militarized state committing genocide. A lot of these comments are just dripping with hatred for Israelis and Jews, solely because of their Religion/Ethnicity/National Origin, and without regard to their actual stance on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Lots of stuff here stooping to the level of bigotry - a pattern that I am noticing from a lot of people on the left who seem to think that their opposition to Israel makes no rhetoric, no matter how hateful, off-limits.

    Second of all, the Maldives are are Muslim Theocracy that openly criminalizes the free exercise of any religion other than Sunni Islam. The war in Gaza is excellent cover for removing Jews from their country, and anyone thinking that they are actually taking a humanitarian stance here, please DM me I have a bridge for sale.

  • Look, he’s right, but he’s also full of shit.

    Music Production used to require expensive equipment and a dedicated studio. Now anyone with a few hundred dollars can make quality musical recordings in their living room. The monetary cost of creating musical content is extremely low compared to all previous eras of the music industry.

    The issue here is that he is making an argument for raising costs while cutting artist revenue by making music appear to have little to no value. This is an extremely poor decision, since most people who enjoy music don’t equate the value of the music they are listening to with the monetary cost it took to make it. It’s also a crazy argument to devalue your product while raising prices.

    Given that Spotify lines its pockets by shoving music from the highest bidder down their customer’s throats (As everyone unwittingly listening to “Espresso” has surely learned over the past month), they clearly don’t care about the small players getting exposure.

    If you care about small artists, quit Spotify and start using Soundcloud and Bandcamp. Actually discover small artists instead of relying on the largest corporate music algorithm on the planet to spoon-feed you.