tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The problem is that it can still work in Germany to just pile the defendant under too many files to process with his ressources. This is not the case in stuff that courts understand, like say a traffic accident. But for anything technical/IT/IP related German courts are terribly incompetent and unable to create a fair case.

    Especially regarding IP related things like streaming or torrenting movies, there is a myriad of ridiculous court decisions. The default unfortunately seems to be to just assume the corporation to be in the right, because it is a corporation and surely they must own the IP and lose a lot of money from the evil hackers.

  • But that is relative. Of course if you spend ten minutes a day you will have a smaller progress. But still you make steady progress. It took me two month now with Spanish to get from nada to being able to say how many siblings i have, where my parents are from, where i live and what job i have. It is not much, but last week i didn’t know how to express my workplace and by next week i’ll be able to express something more.

    This is the same like for everything you learn or train. You want to be a concert violinist? Yeah better practice multiple hours a day. But just practicising ten minutes a day will still get you to be a decent player after a few years. Want to look like Schwarzenegger in his best times? You got to hit the gym regularly and on a proper plan and diet. You just want to be fit and build some muscles? Ten minutes of planks, pushups and situps and you’ll notice your shape changing after a few weeks.

    As you said, with the small steady work you’ll hit a wall eventually, be it languages, physical training or instruments. And then you need to put more effort for really filling the gaps.

  • Interstellar is a bad movie. The story takes too long, the supposedly smart characters are acting obviously dumb, and the whole “we solved it all along because we figured out timetravel” trope is the most lazy way to wrap up a story.

    Oh and of course the small artifically built space colony near Jupiter does not care for fitting many humans, but instead is a shitty american suburb with lavish lawns. Because who needs to safe people from other cultures amirite?

  • What is “human intelligence as a whole”? I think this is not a good concept.

    It is practically impossible to differentiate from knowledge and culture, that simply amassed, as populations grew. Furthermore we know full well that mass pschology does not result in smarter decisions, but often terribly worse ones. Finally we are seeing the same mistakes being made a hundred, fivehundred, one thousand years and before. So as a species we didnt learn from past mistakes, instead we raised the stakes by creating an ever complex society whose failures have grave consequences for humanity as a whole.

    Also in zhe context of religion and spirituality we have lost connection with many core truths that were understood by socieites wrongfully claimed to be “primitive”. Many native people had or have social, spiritual and political structures that worked well to preserve a necessary balance in society and with their environment. Preserving what is nourishing them and rejecting the deadly race for power and wealth that has shaped the global world.

    We might be more technologically advanced, but it is not a representation of greater intelligence, as we are too stupid to use this to the benefit of society and the individuals therein.