u/lukmly013 💾 (lemmy.sdf.org)

18M I like computers, trains, space, radio-related everything and a bunch of other tech related stuff. User of GNU+Linux.
I am also dumb and worthless.
My laptop is HP 255 G7 running Manjaro and Linux Mint.
I own RTL-SDRv3 and RSP1 clone.

SDF Unix shell username: user224

  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Good idea.

    You can still get the newest DD-WRT builds even on the WRT54G.
    That is a Wi-Fi router from 2002.

    Of course, the features are sort of limited. I tried the VPN build (on WRT54GL), but I couldn’t get the OpenVPN client to connect. I found some thread mentioning it may be missing something, but I don’t know if that’s the issue.

    Anyway, without overclocking I’d expect like 2Mbps. I mean, it barely handles HTTPS. Just trying to load the WebUI maxes out the CPU for several seconds if trying to use HTTPS.
    Perhaps it’s not missing anything software-wise, but it’s just so slow it times out during handshake.
    So I just put the std build on it in case it will be useful at some point.

  • Few days ago over an imaginary situation lasting 8 hours. I did write it all down, and I still have it saved, but it’s pretty weird.

    I wrote this down shortly after and it’s just been residing in a note-taking app. Perhaps you could consider it NSFW since it discusses death in not the best manner.
    I’ll just plop it here into a spoiler if you want to read it:

    Fucked up text

    So, we had a discussion on 1st aid also involving CPR. Apparently mouth-to-mouth is also required where I live.

    I tried to imagine such a situation, and over the course of around 8 hours spiralled into worse and worse thoughts as I kept overthinking every aspect of it more and more.
    I’ll try to just lay them into separate points:

    1. I was thinking about how I’d approach the rescue breaths (mouth-to-mouth). I realized that this would likely end up being a problem for me. It would be hard to encourage myself into it, in the end wasting a lot of precious time letting the person’s brain starve of oxygen. I don’t know why, but this part feels very hard even to just imagine.
    2. I started thinking of what if I was that person. Problem is, I would want to just die. This would be an opportunity without me having to do anything myself, and of course there would be no physical way to regret it.
    3. What if that imaginary person would feel the same? (DNR doesn’t exist where I live) I feel like forcing someone to live against their will is the worst thing I could do to someone.
    4. What if I was actually causing more harm even physically? Combine the point 3 with hypoxia causing permanent brain damage. That would make matters even worse. I got to the conclusion that this point goes both ways, because it could also be caused by not doing CPR if the ambulance got there quick enough to still save the person, even if with severe brain damage at this point, as opposed to just permanent death.
    5. Not being able to handle it, what if I tried to exit it by killing myself, perhaps by jumping under a truck? I felt like this would be most morally correct as it wouldn’t leave me alive.
    6. That could traumatize the driver or even escalate the existing accident.
    7. At this point I was just exhausted, alternating between crying and feeling rage towards myself.
    8. I took my dog for a walk which finally allowed me to calm myself down.

    I don’t know how I’d deal with this in reality. Of course I wouldn’t have 8 hours to overthink everything.

    Of course, this is just imagination with lots of overthinking, but I often spiral into thoughts like this. It feels like I am internally fighting myself about what’s right and what isn’t. Twice I got into such thoughts so much I couldn’t physically stand until I calmed down at least a bit.

    I am an awful person.

  • Well, this sets a new level of recent here judging by the comments.

    Desktop OS: Linux Mint 20 MATE. Yep, that’s right. I only got my first proper computer in 2020.
    Thankfully, I had to install the OS myself, which was of course preceded by choosing an OS.
    I had Windows 10 on that laptop for 2 days which served me to compare different OSs and burn the install DVD. I had no flash drives, and just dug out one old DVD-RW. OK, I’ll be honest, hearing about Linux first I was searching for “just Linux”, pure Linux, not derivatives. Oh well, GNU+Linux copypasta actually being helpful.

    Alright, but why did I “have” to install an OS if I got it with Windows? It was used. I did reset it, but even though it was my first proper PC, I had no lack of paranoia. I thought that someone before me could have put spyware on that.
    And I was right. Not the way I thought, but I was. That someone was Microsoft.

  • I also just do this. However I have already found 2 photos that got randomly corrupted, and I don’t know how to prevent that.

    So far my only idea was using md5sum, but checking all files like that takes a loooooooooong time.

    I am paranoid about cloud. I do have my music backed up on OneDrive, encrypted with GPG using AES256, but I don’t even fully trust that. I know, it sounds stupid, but maybe in the future it will be quite easy to break.

    But I don’t know much about encryption. Just reading the man page, I put these options together:

    --s2k-cipher-algo AES256 --s2k-digest-algo SHA512 --s2k-mode 3 --s2k-count 65011712

    but whether I can consider that safe enough, I don’t know.

    And since I don’t know enough about it, I prefer not to trust it.