The reactionary vegan hate is real.
Misanthropic lycanthrope
The reactionary vegan hate is real.
Thoughts, yes. Please keep in mind that thoughts are not necessarily in the form of a voice, even in humans.
Very well done. :D
And this is why I love Lemmy. :D
Nah, I don’t think you spent too much. We all need to take Chances once in a while.
Weird Al Yankovic is America’s modern pop rock genius.
—Kurt Kobain
The United States subsidizes the hell out of dairy products. Dairy (and by extension, beef) is way, way cheaper than it should be.
stallion dildos
My proposed slogan: “Give Huntington Beach a Chance”
“Very expensive.”
I’ve been watching and listening to a lot of responses from Israeli officials lately about the deaths of Palestinians. So…
Just a friendly reminder that it’s inappropriate to compare cops to pigs.
Pigs are intelligent, and very emotionally aware.
Lemmy is so good right now because there’s no commercialization here.
How much do we want to bet that someone along the line looked the other way because they believe in being violent towards their kids?
You know, the “spare the rod…” sort. Those people still exist, unfortunately.