I was curious as to what prompts people find are the best for development? I’m looking for a change from the generic debian:
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
Which yields:
dell-xps-13 -os:~$
I use zsh for my shell, with
as my prompt. It’s gorgeous and has an interactice condigurator on first start. It includes stuff like git repo branch and status, python venv, aws profile… I’ve used it for years and loved it the whole time.No doubt p10k is excellent, and the dev knows what he’s doing and helps others a lot.
Another great zsh prompt with a simpler implementation is agkozak’s: https://github.com/agkozak/agkozak-zsh-prompt
Personally, I like starship, and how it’s consistent across different shells. I mostly use defaults, but with line break before command.
I wasn’t aware of starship. It looks great and even supports Powershell! Do you have any font recommendations to go along with it?
I use Fira Code, but any font patched with Nerd Fonts will do.
I usually just strip naked in from of a candlelit mirror and a bowl of lamb’s blood, and chant :() :;: thirteen times.
I wrote my own! But you probably don’t want to use it, I am sure it only works for me. But hey! It was fun! https://github.com/e2dubba/liteprompt
Fish with starship
I have randomized oh-my-zsh prompts when using zsh, and the default starship prompt when using bash
Do you have a random oh-my-zsh prompt everytime you use zsh? That sounds maddening haha, what’s the appeal?
Like many things, I have no idea why I’m doing it.
Sounds fun! 😊
No so much a prompt but I love Neofetch.
Looks nice with starship as well - https://itsfoss.com/starship/.
I use Liquid Prompt with the powerline theme.
What’s a Linux prompt
op means shell prompt