Biden administration dramatically softens the sanctions it imposed on the seven Israelis from the Israel Defense Forces and makes it clear that they will be able to use their bank accounts.

Original article in Hebrew

    6 months ago

    It seems you’re suggesting that the fallout from another Trump presidency will lead to better long term results than a second Biden presidency?

    I’m saying:

    1. as long as progressives vote “blue no matter who” party leaders won’t stop moving right.

    2. Primaries have continued to be less open ever since Obama beat Clinton in 08.

    Obama flipped lots of red states that general.

    We all saw how effective that was. But party leaders don’t want that type of candidate. So they pulled him to the right, gave him a conservate friendly Dem as VP, and as of 2024, started cancelling Dem primaries if it’s an earlier state that votes progressive.

    I don’t think they’ll ever cancel my states primary tho, in fact even when Bernie refuses to drop early the DNC always says the primary is over before my state gets to vote.

    The DNC doesn’t give a single fuck about me. If they were legit trying to win and help when they get in office it would be different.

    But they’re just not doing enough.

    So tell me.

    What’s your suggestion to make them listen to their base instead of chasing voters who have never voted D and just straight ticket vote R?