I have fleas.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I used to make the same arguments but I’m middle aged now, have been supporting the left, volunteering, knocking on doors, donating, etc. for over 20 years now; but in all that time, shit has only gotten worse. I’m saddened every day what I’m leaving my children and it makes me feel awful to know that they will be fighting all the same fights I have and even more. I’m definitely no turnip supporter but I no longer believe that there will be any functional difference regardless of who wins. The ship is going down no matter who is captaining.

    I would hold my nose and vote once again but even the best possible outcome is still a shit sandwich I’m not willing to take another bite of. So, I’m out, and yes, I do know that’s what they want, I just don’t care anymore.

  • I’m someone who vastly prefers to work in an office. It’s kind of a pain in the ass dealing with remote workers, meetings having gone to teams instead of in person, it just feels impersonal and as a former manager it is harder to maintain and keep your staff engaged.

    But this is the modern workforce, and we have plenty of evidence that productivity is still there with a hybrid or remote office. When I was a manager I had to change my strategies, I had to adapt and learn, just like everything else I do in my professional life. Now that I am part of leadership but without direct reports, it’s just more adapting and learning that I am doing to stay relevant.

    poor management is why all these companies are trying to force people back, it’s just people who cannot adapt.

  • I wish I could figure out if I have it. I asked my doctor how to get diagnosed, he said I’d need to talk to a psychiatrist. I got a referral and tried to setup and appointment but they said I couldn’t be tested since I have no history of it. They instead want to put me on antidepressants but I’ve gone through enough of them to know that ain’t what my issue is.

    Mental health care in this country is a fucking joke.