I have a math degree and still can’t do basic addition

Anti-tankie leftist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Not at all an answer to your question, but a very semi-related tangent.

    The last receipt of a US Civil War pension passed away relatively recently. She was a young woman who would regularly help out a local older man, a civil war vet with no kids or family otherwise. Towards the end of his days, he married her so she’d get the benefits of his pension, as things were really really tough.

    Some of the detail might be off, going off of memory, but that’s the general gist.

    So I went to double check, and I got a fair bit of it wrong.

    Irene Triplett
    She was actually the daughter of the woman I thought I was talking about. Her mother married her father at ages 29 and 78 respectively, and she was born one of five children in 1930, living until the age of 90 before passing in 2020.

  • While dramatic, it echos a sentiment a lot of us have. I am on a good career path. I will never own a home. I likely won’t retire. Unless something drastic changes, I can’t see any of that slowing down, let alone getting better. That’s not even to speak of climate change, increasing world tension and aggressive postering, or any of the other shit plaguing the world right now.

    I hope with all my heart we get to a place where I feel comfortable bringing a child into this world, with the promise of a better future for them. That’s not the world we currently live in.

  • I think I generally agree with all that. One good side effect is I think this will be the push that gets Linux a bit more mainstream*. It’s pretty easy to sideload Linux onto most Chromebooks, so I think a good chunk of kids that like tinkering with stuff are going to try it out, more so than the past. ChromeOS is a lot more restrictive than windows, so there’s a bigger incentive to get around it.

    • emphasis on a bit. Frankly I don’t think I see a world where Linux has a proper foothold in the mainstream unfortunately.

  • As much as I don’t want to give LTT credit, I think Linus has a point with Chromebooks. Google is playing the long game with them. Students almost exclusively use them these days, and anecdotally, most of them are getting chromebooks and the like for college now that they’re getting to that age. That’s at least been the case for almost every family member I’ve had that’s started college in the last 5 years.

    It’s only going to continue as the average Chromebook legitimately is becoming more powerful, and Steam compatibility is improving. You’re going to see a whole lot of people who see no need for a PC/mac.