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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I feel like we’re playing word games now but maybe I just misinterpreted you. Are these topics censored on the Chinese internet or not? That was the whole point of my original comment.

    Chinese people aren’t afraid to discuss the Tiananmen riots

    I never said they were afraid to discuss them. Just that they were banned on the Chinese internet.

    smug online Westerners

    Ad hominim ad nauseum. This just makes it seem like there is no substance to what you’re saying if you keep resorting to ad hominims.

  • So your response to my comment pointing out that you’re just attacking me, posting from a script and not engaging with the discussion is to what… Attack me, post some scripts and continue not to engage? If you just want to monologue, maybe make a separate post.

    I pointed out the irony in your original reply and you’ve yet to address it except to make the courageous claim that there is no censorship in China. When I show counter examples it’s back to ad hominims. Can you address the specific points of censorship please? I That’s what we are talking about. “Addressing” two points as you have done gets you nowhere to defending your original claim that there is no censorship in the China.

    Also another obviously dishonest point you added in your edit. Clearly your side has nothing to do with where your born, I don’t know where you’re from or who you are mate, it’s about selective criticism where you only criticise one side and never accept criticisms of another side. I am happy to criticise any ‘side’. I’m critical of the country I was born, of the US, the CCP and everyone in between.

  • This is the problem with these conversations, you don’t honestly engage at all and instead resort to ad hominims, irrelevant tangents or even in this case straight up lying. Copying and pasting from scripts that fail to address the point is not doing you any favours.

    It’s not a football match. You don’t have to pick a side and defend it no matter what. You can and should be equally be critical of immoral actions regardless of where they come from. By playing the whatabout game to ‘defend your side’ all you do is normalise these things by implying that it’s fine because everyone does it.

  • PCs. I’ve been living overseas for a couple of years and using a gaming laptop. I can’t wait to start using a PC again.

    Laptops can be good but in my experience for demanding games they can have thermal issues pretty easily. I’m not an expert though and maybe it depends more on the individual laptop.

    Also the repairability and upgradability are huge things as well. I think desktop PC plus steam deck is my dream combo for all my gaming needs personally.