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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

    1. Rape does not always involve physically overpowering someone. Someone may coerce someone else into sex with blackmail, lies, threats, or abuse of a position of power.

    2. Erections are controlled by a person’s autonomic nervous system. A man can get hard even when he is not turned on or consenting to what is happening.

    3. Not all rape involves a penis. A woman who sticks an object into a man without his consent is committing rape. Rape is about power and control over another person, and the rapist need not be directly stimulated for rape to occur.

  • The search warrant was for the Parmely Avenue residence, but it was issued for a person who hasn’t lived there in more than a year, Price said, sharing the search warrant left by police at the home.


    Price said she learned police had visited the home at least five times within the past year. “The landlord even told [police] she had new tenants,” she said.

    This is after the article mentions that they only waited six seconds between knocking on the door and busting in.

    If your police department shows this degree of incompetence executing a raid, it should have all its toys taken away. No more flashbangs, no more SWAT gear, no fancy guns. You get the wrong address, you hurt an innocent person, you fail to identify yourselves, you lose privileges. Hell, I seriously question whether they need most of that shit in the first place.

    I legitimately believe that a disturbingly high number of these raids that go wrong happen because the cops want to play with with their shiny new equipment.

  • While NFA items are a different story, you’re generally allowed to manufacture anything you could legally buy in a store. So no suppressors / SBRs / destructive devices without the appropriate paperwork & tax stamps, no machine guns without all that and a time machine, and no fun allowed if you’re a prohibited person. Other than that, there’s nothing* stopping you from printing, say, a semi-automatic rifle with a 16 inch barrel or a glock frame.

    *Federally. Also, I am a dumbass and not a lawyer, do your own research.

  • I’m glad to see this line of thinking in this thread, even if the “Take 'em all” sentiment seems to be more popular. Over the last 40ish years, gun ownership has slowly trended downwards.

    The fact of the matter is, healthy & happy people tend not to shoot themselves or others. Depressed, desparate, jaded, and angry people are the ones out there abusing their 2A rights. Taking away their guns may stop them from using them on people, but it doesn’t feel like a complete solution: you still have people who were unstable enough to commit murder /suicide out there.

    I admit I have no data to support this next idea, but my gut feeling is that you could swap the gun laws & density of the US and one of those European coutries we’re always compared to, and the rates of overall violent crime / suicide would not change that drastically.

  • I was a weird 16 year old, staying up too late on summer vacation of 2011. I had decided that asking people their favorite dinosaur was the ultimate conversation starter, and had a working theory that the more unusual their answer was, the more interesting the conversation would be. People who said “T-Rex” were lame, but “Iguanadon” would be cool, something like that.

    Well, she said “Pachycephalosaurus”, which was the first one of the night I had to look up. Naturally, I was enthralled.

    We talked into the wee hours of the morning, where she (being a fellow dumb teenager) sent me her Facebook profile. Before clicking, I had decided that I would look but ultimately not accept her friend request, because stranger danger and all. But when I checked out her page, it turned out we had a mutual friend! A guy we both knew had started high school with her, and moved up the coast halfway through and was currently going to my high school.

    That was good enough for me, and I accepted her friend request. July 7th, 2011, around 3am.

    From there, we quickly turned flirty and started talking all the time. We weren’t anything official, but I told her I loved her within a couple weeks. One problem though: she was over 400 miles away, and I was still in school with no license.

    To make a long story short, we were flirty on and off for the next three years until 2014, where we both decided “fuck it” and jumped into the special hell that is long distance dating together. I got to see her in person December 14th of that year after working at a grocery store while finishing up my associate’s degree to make enough money for a train ticket, and she was my first kiss.

    Anyway, college sucked and long distance dating sucks even when it’s the right person. Fast-forward to 2020 when I finally have a car & some degree of financial stability, I moved 400 miles away to live with her & haven’t looked back. Put a ring on her finger March of 2021, and married her on the beach last weekend after knowing her for twelve years. She is currently snoring gracefully in bed next to me. 🥰

  • Because, goddammit, a better world is possible! A lot of the time shit sucks and everything is expensive and I wanna just go to bed and never wake up.

    But most of my problems are problems millions or even billions of other people struggle with, and those don’t get solved by opting out of life.

    What’s more, those problems are man-made. They’re the result of systems designed by mortal men just like me.

    So, I stay alive. Because the only way to out-vote, out-number, overpower, and / or annihilate those bastards is to be alive.

  • BrotherL0v3@lemmy.worldtoADHD@lemmy.worldLanguage for "Want"
    11 months ago

    Maybe “impulses” for short term, immediate gratification & “ambitions” for long-term, fulfillment-type goals?

    You bring up something I hadn’t thought about before with “want” kinda meaning a couple different things. I like the idea of separating the different types out in your head.

  • I did some numbers because it sounded fun.

    Earth’s diameter is 41.804 million feet. I’m not sure if you meant that or Earth’s circumference when you said “Earth’s surface”, but I figure either one is gonna get us a really big number.

    The first result I can find for string comes in a pack that weighs 2.89oz and contains 328 feet of string.

    Using that as our standard, you would need 127,452 packs of string (assuming you find a way to perfectly attach them without wasting any length on knots).

    127,452 * (2.89 / 16) = 23,021 lbs of string total.

    So if we ignore the string stretching, compressing, or breaking, you’d only need to be able to pull 11ish tons of string to ring the bell!


    Just for fun: Assuming the motion of the string travels at the speed of sound (I have no idea if it actually would, it just sounds right), there would be about 10.5 hours between you pulling the string and the bell ringing on the other side.