• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • That’s kind of true, but MacOS and Mac OSX are 2 different things. What is based on BSD is the MAC OSX that came out in 2001 AFAIK.

    And BSD was interrupted for 2 years because of copyright disputes with AT&T. If that hadn’t happened, BSD would be the longest continuous OS today, and probably way more significant than it is.

    I don’t consider MAC OSX as part of BSD, just like Android isn’t part of Linux Desktop, but only uses the Linux kernel. OSX took parts of BSD and shielded it behind a proprietary wall, because the BSD license offer no protection from that. So they become separate projects the moment they enter the Apple domain.

    Problem here is when people mix up the use of the word Linux as an OS with Linux the kernel. I am 100% sure OP meant Linux as a Desktop OS like GNU/Linux or something like Free desktop according to freedesktop.org. Using his experience with EndeavorOS as an example.

    But you are right, it can be said Unix/BSD has an even longer running time, but it has been somewhat problematic and interrupted because of AT&T and SCO and Novell.

  • Yes it literally has come a long way, all the way from 1991 to 2024, I think the only other OS that has managed that is Windows.
    I know that’s not quite what you meant, it was just a thought I came to think of reading the headline.

    But apart from that, it’s also become quite good, but IMO it has been for more than a decade now.

  • I bet Musk thought he was a genius that could revolutionize trucks, just like Apple revolutionized smartphones.
    I admit I still think the model S was pretty cool originally, but now there are better offers IMO, BMW and Audi have some very nice upper middle class cars, that I doubt very much Tesla can match the quality of. If money is not a problem, I’d go with a Mercedes. For a cheaper practical everyday car, I’d go with VW or Hyundai.

    But goddam I just tried my neighbors BMW I4- eDrive 40, that’s an amazing car with great range IMO. I’ve never been in a car that was that silent smooth and comfortable, and yet had stellar grip and handling. Even when you fired it up with everything it has, it was still quiet, you just felt the pressure of acceleration in the back. 😋

  • Makes very little sense to downvote this, there are several points where Musk could go to jail. Both regarding fraud towards investors and also customers.

    Probably the most obvious case is that Musk claimed in 2019 it would be possible to earn money on owning a Tesla, because it would be able to be used as a robo taxi by 2020.
    But Full self driving required for Robo Taxi is still nowhere near ready.

    He also claimed that Tesla would NOT depreciate like other cars, because they are the most future proof cars you can buy.
    But Tesla cars have since depreciated faster than almost any other car, in part because of Tesla price reductions, and in part because the promises came to nothing.

    There could also be situations considering Hyperloop, where he promised faster and cheaper public transport, and that it was actually easy to make. But the projects he has accepted all came to nothing.

    There may be cases on his promises every year since 2016 that Tesla cars would be capable of FSD next year.

    He has also made wildly exaggerated promises about SpaceX, that may constitute fraud towards investors. Starting a Mars base 2022, and manned missions 2024, I don’t recall any SpaceX Mars missions.

    People have invested their pensions on these false claims, and at some point, I have no doubt they will result in lawsuits, at least some of them.

  • He was saying several years ago that he would be start building a Mars base in 2022 and have manned missions in 2024 which are both basically no closer today than they were then, that was a lie.
    He said he would build hyperloops that would be cheap fast efficient across the country, that was a lie, that we now know was to stop building public transport.
    He said in 2016 that full self driving that was safer than a person driving would be ready in 2017, and that was something they could do TODAY (in 2016). He repeated that lie in 2019, even claiming people could make up to $200000 per year if they bought a Tesla, because they could drive as autonomous taxi’s beginning 2020. He claimed buying anything other than a Tesla would be stupid, because Tesla cars were the only ones that could do that. Except they couldn’t and they still can’t.

    There is a very clear picture that Elon Musk is lying through his teeth, and he cons people into investing in and buying his products under false pretenses.