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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Eggs are a typical foraging food. Our ancestors likely grabbed any eggs they could find when they could find them. Eventually we started farming in SE Asia and the ancestors of the chicken hung out near the plentiful feedstock of rice fields and made their nests nearby. Over time they got used to humans and we kept taking their eggs, as we had done when we found their eggs in the wild. Around 3,000 years ago we had the chicken, an easy to care for food pooping source of meat that we had bred to poop food regardless of time of year. The bird later spread all over the planet.

    Fastfoward to more recent times and we have selectively bred and drugged up a bird that reliably poops food every day and can yield the maximum amount of meat possible.

  • If there was 100% adoption of self-driving vehicles with a inter-vehicle communication network, there is no reason why the left lane couldn’t go 100+ mph. There still would be lower speeds outside of the highway, but they could be substantially higher than today on most major roads.

    Human drivers are why speed limits exist. People follow too close, people are impatient, people are aggressive, people are risky, people don’t know what the vehicles in front of them are going to do, people don’t use turn signals, people hit the brakes and cut across multiple lanes of traffic because they weren’t paying attention or missed their exit, etc.

    Networked autonomous cars can communicate and collaborate, allowing for faster and safer travel. The left lane could have no speed limit because every car using it, leaving it, or entering it are all in agreement on what needs to be done and what to do and when to do it. Cars on major roads would slow down so another car can turn without causing the cars behind it to stop. Oncoming cars could slow to allow for an opening that a turning car can use instead of waiting for an opening in irregular traffic, or taking a risky turn that causes an accident.

    Getting to that system will require laws against manual driving and mandating that all new vehicles have full autonomous driving. I hope I am dead before that happens because that future sounds awful to me.

  • The flange they adapted was done pretty badly so it isn’t making as even contact as would be ideal. Looks like they tried to use sealant to make up for it and didn’t use enough, so it still had gaps.

    If it were my circus, I’d use butyl sheet under the boot for more expansion/contraction tolerant waterproofing and take the extra time to do a better job on that flange.

    You could go ham with some roof patch and be done with it for a decade and do it better when it needs redoing.

  • It is more that they are not growing, and that means dying in their business model. By not reporting an accurate metric of user engagement, they are hiding the stagnation or loss. Background logins from apps are likely also hiding the real picture of user engagement. Without active user engagement they lose their revenue, data harvesting and advertising.

    So there are signs that they are in a downturn, which will lead to irrelevance and failure.

  • Absolutely, they need a better filter and on-board processing. It is like they are just gathering and transmitting for external processing instead of cherry picking the data matching an action that is previously trained and sending it as an output.

    I’m guessing they kept the processing power low because of heat or power availability, they wanted to have that quiet “sleek” puck instead of a brick with a fanned heatsink. Maybe they should consider a jaunty hat to hide the hardware.

    Gathering all the data available has future utility, but their data transmission bottleneck makes that capability to gather data worthless. They are trying to leap way too far ahead with too high of a vanity prioritization and getting bit for it, about par for the course with an Elon project.

  • I defer to hubris in most of these cases.

    I am guessing that the people who made the decision to train on Reddit had no idea what type of place Reddit actually was just a short time ago. Maybe they heard of Reddit, maybe they noticed how useful Reddit was in search results, maybe they browsed Reddit and only saw the facade; what they definitely didn’t do is be a Redditor for years.

    Any Redditor on that team either kept their mouth shut because how funny the end result would be or was ignored.

  • Yeah, I found myself wanting a better backup camera when I put in a head unit with a 12.3" display and was also disappointed with reality.

    Best solution I did find was to use the digital rearview mirror off a dodge or Chevy with their cameras and go through the ballache of retrofitting it into my car, but that would have cost like $1,500 IIRC.