• 9 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • From the article you just posted:

    The battalion has said it repeatedly denies “allegations of fascism, nazism and racism,” in response to claims it had associations with White supremacists and neo-Nazi ideology.

    The US State Department said Tuesday that Russian disinformation “has actively worked to discredit” the unit. “They have long tried to conflate Ukraine’s National Guard Unit of 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov with a militia formed to defend Ukraine against Russia’s invasion in 2014, called the “Azov Battalion,” a State Department spokesperson said. “That militia disbanded in 2015 and the Special Forces Brigade Azov is unrelated to that militia.”

    And at the mere notion that they might have been involved in those activities, the US State department had cut their funding eligibility until it could be certain otherwise. It’s like you wanted to be proven misinformed when you posted this.

  • Yes, again, I’ve read your comments and understood them. Maybe you’re the one having comprehension troubles, here?

    I don’t see how this comment in any way argues against any of my statements. You either never disagreed with me to begin with about swastikas being bannable outside of specific religious contexts, or you want contextless hate speech to be allowed as a blanket rule. There is no in-between.

  • So then, you think Nazi Swastikas without context should be allowed without any repercussions. I saw your first comment, I don’t see why you think using more words to say the same thing would make it any different.

    Here are some questions: How does punishing nazis for using symbols of hate and intolerance empower them? How does allowing them to do so freely harm them in contrast?

    You do not need to use a nazi swastika. A world where they are not allowed in public is a world where people feel safe and comfortable. Just as you do not need to use the frog. The frog is unimportant and only continues to exist because people like you fight for it.