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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • You don’t need to poll everyone to get relatively accurate polling results.

    I have a related degree, it is possible with the necessary caveats, margins of error and confidence intervals. Statistics is a wonderful thing.

    This being said, I actually read the full 77 page document they linked to, and if I’m not mistaken the 55% comes from a 2021 telephone poll. Obviously phone only polls are likely to be biased, even if you correct for demographic factors like age.

    Then again, inflation is a problem.

  • I have a related degree.

    The study was conducted for CNN via web and telephone on the SSRS Opinion Panel, a nationally representative panel of U.S. adults ages 18 or older recruited using probability-based sampling techniques.


    In a January 2021 poll taken just before Trump left office and days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, 55% considered his time as president a failure.

    Relevant bit:

    Unless otherwise noted, results beginning with the August 3-6, 2017 survey and ending with the April 21-26, 2021 survey are from polls conducted by SSRS via telephone only

    TLDR: doubt those polls are representative.

  • didn’t Israel start this by bombing their embassy in Syria?

    Israel bombed their embassy in Syria as a response to Iran helping Hezbollah and Hamas. At one point an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps spokesman said October 7th was a response to the death of Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, although they later retracted that. The Israelis wanted Soleimani gone because of his role in supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and earlier attacks on Israel, including his involvement in the 2006 war in Lebanon. Etc. etc. etc. on and on back to before Iran became Iran.

    The middle-east is an illustration of the idiom “An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind”.

  • Oh, of course. But once you accept that all humans are flawed, you’re more likely to empathize with people who make poor choices, relate to them, and become more convincing.

    So for example, you don’t call people hypocrites and a murderers, which will inevitably cause them to become defensive and double down. Especially in a conversation where people are already expressing that they dissaprove of animal abuse. Instead you say something like:

    “Same here. Animal suffering also makes me sad, and I couldn’t help but think that I was part of that. I slowly transitioned to eating no meat a while back. But I know it’s hard to make changes. If anyone wants tips, just ask. No judgement.”

    Or perhaps:

    “Yeah. Food’s really becoming expensive. One thing that does help, is that I eat vegetarian curries. They cost less to make and it’s not that hard. I found this cool recipe and use a rice cooker so I can take care of the kids while it cooks.”

    I mean, imagine people who own a fairphone and buy only fair trade chocolate, went around calling the rest of us cunts. They might have a point, but it really wouldn’t help them win the argument.

  • Imagine you’re about to eat an ice-cream. You see a kid drowning in a pool. You could save him, but instead you choose to eat your ice cream. You put short term pleasure before saving a child’s life. Evil, right?

    Now imagine that you can’t see the kid. You know he’s going to die, but instead of donating a bit of money to a charity, you buy that ice cream, drink that fancy frappucino, buy that t-shirt or overpriced gadget you didn’t actually need to buy. You put a short term endorphin rush above saving a child’s life.

    This is you. This is everyone. Humans are all evil to a degree. We are all hypocrites to a degree. We allow that kid to die, those workers to get abused, those animals to suffer. The only excuse we have is that we are animals and that we largely act on instinct, even if we rationalise our choices afterwords, often telling ourselves we’re not bad people.

    Once you accept that basic fact, mostly because life experience has forced you to come to terms with your flaws, you hopefully become more humble. You gain character, wisdom, and honesty. And here’s a silver lining: once you realise that you’re also deeply flawed and approach fellow humans with humility, you often end up becoming more convincing.

    Of course, the first step is to accept that convincing people to be less evil, is more important than vanity and holding to the idea that you’re somehow better than them.

    Here’s Norm McDonald telling a joke about hypocrisy:
