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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • Thanks for the detailed explanation about publicly traded companies, but what I wonder is the privately owned ones being forced to sell out, if there is such a thing.

    For example, lets say Proton is owned by a few shareholders or just one, and it is not openly traded unless the shareholders make personal agreements to sell out or anything like that. If Google came with a truckload of cash and told these shareholders to sell their shares to Google, can they simply refuse the offer no matter how big is the pile of cash or the benefits of the offer, or do they have to find a legal reason to keep their shares? I mean, even the question sounds stupid and the answer should be “yeah you can just keep your share and run the company however you like, as long as you don’t go public listing”, but with all the concerns about the buyouts talked all around this last few years, the premise looks like it is hard to hold out.

  • What is this buying out talked about something not escapable if not some legal reorganization is made? It has been being talked about other companies, too, and it sounds like if you have a form of a company, you can’t legally refuse monetary offers from someone to buy your company.

    Is there such a legal mechanism that forces an owner to sell out if an offer is made, or is this more about proofing a company against CEO/shareholder personal sell out decision?

  • Most niche communities from R*ddit are pretty much dead here unless you are looking forward to being a regular poster yourself. This rather requires sticking to the lemmy.world open feed rather than creating a custom feed with your communities only, if you are looking to scroll a lot instead, of course. Just stick around a bit, see how often what communities and people reach the general feed, elect to block the ones that feel flooding your feed or not to your taste. Maybe give some regularly-posted communities that are previously not in your area of interest some chance before going on a mass block. This place does have a quality and rather genuine people, but in a limited scope.

  • Although the topics of Israeli people protesting and complaining to their genocidal government about their loved ones being hostages or put through this madness on conscription are understandable and very human, I don’t understand why there are no sizeable protests against the genocide their army is committing.

    I can think of a few reasons, one being not considering the Palestinians as people, which is plausible when your state has been an ethnostate for so long, as we can see a world history full of the precedents. The information age was supposed to reduce this extreme mass brainwashing and propaganda, but we can see the contrary happen with huge scandalous exposes every year.

    The other being forced by the state to stay silent about it, which is pretty much a basic telltale of tyranny in reporting many countries’ affairs, but for some reason does not occur when Israel is mentioned, because they still do elections, right? Well, Russia can’t have the same 20+ years of elected president, that is fishy and undemocratic, but Israel can have for the better part of the same duration?

    The “us and them” mentality around Israel is so crooked that a sane person either has to condemn the whole population for being behind Bibi, or have to call the state as frequently, severely and prominently a rogue and tyrannical one as befitting many others that are currently being called so. Humane and the more probable option would be the latter, but when that is also being derided as anti-semitic, what do you do within the limits of understanding and compromise?

  • I don’t understand what kind of a “spectacular” improvement they made with 2.0. Played it with day 1 patch, played it with 2.0 release. Watched a few videos, too, and saw nothing but small tweaks on a lot of things.

    Water splashing when shot? How much of the meaningful parts of the game go around any bodies of water? Yes there are rivers separating the districts and it is a coastal city, but how much do you interact with it? Being a floating head on a ladder or having a hand climbing it in this game being “putting labor in the game”?s,

    A few skill mechanics have changed, but do they impact the game any much? You can simply go and shoot everyone with a revolver, sniper rifle or a good assault rifle as usual. That is, if you wanna have the game feel less bullet spongy. Yeah yeah I know, everyone has plate armor under their skin, but they wear outer armor, too, anyway.

    Quickhacks and ram stuff looked a little bit changed with somewhat meaningful combos, but I’m not sure if they were there at the start.

    Unconnected, totally “run to this place, shoot up or get this item, listen to a 10 second congratulations comm, get your rewards” grindy side missions and all the other whatever they are called stuff are no better than going for an action figure collection run on GTA Online. Nothing have addressed this. We got some totally unused vehicular combat platform update, tho.

    The main story with character animations and voices were on point, but that was already in the game at the start. Couldn’t slog through again half the base game again to start the Phantom Liberty DLC story, tho, so it may be good as well. But I seriously doubt anything in the 2.0 is this much news worthy as we have seen in Lemmy over the last few months. I guess having a $40M marketing budget out of $120M total budget iirc just for this update and DLC pays off.

  • I’ve been trying out Mint (Cinnamon) for some months now. I have an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU and an AMD Radeon 6700XT graphics card, both of which work splendidly on Mint out of the box. This installation is my first ever attempt at using Linux, with dual booting on top of it (on the same sdd with partitioning), but I’d say it set up more nicely than any Windows formatting I’ve ever done over the years. Writing the .iso file to a USB drive was a bit different than I’m used to using Rufus for Windows, but Rufus can write it.

    Mint (Cinnamon) is based on Ubuntu, which itself is a massively changed Debian but with still a good compatibility with it on the surface.

    While Arch is great and all, if you are looking for a life-line after years of being a Windows user but finally deciding to not move on to the next Windows version because of all the shit they keep breaking and all the other ad and data mining they do on those versions, Mint is a great starting distro. It gets installed with all the hardware drivers present, for AMD hardware at least but Nvidia should work, too. No need to set up a modern working computer environment with requirement to install anything to get your things working. As long as OS installation goes correctly and it boots up, you are good to go.

    As for regular stuff:

    1. Libre Office is pre installed, and I find it pretty good even tho I had quite the dislike for it before. Select a theme and a layout preset for the toolbar, you are right in your element as if you are continuing to use MS Office.

    2. Gaming with Steam is just turning on one setting in Steam settings, the compatibility tab (Proton), and that’s it. Most games work out of the box. For others, check ProtonDB for what people say about the game. They usually work, or there is a little basic fiddling required at best. I can play Hunt: Showdown with Easy Anti Cheat without a hassle on it. Just another little Proton file installed, that’s all.

    3. For Windows-only programs, you can use Wine. Wine works in the background, and when properly installed, it allows you to just double click any .exes and run them. Programs can be a bit slower than using them on Windows, but most of them work on Linux with Wine if it is what matters to switch from Windows. You can play a lot of non-Steam games through that, too.

    4. Mint has a Microsoft Store-like program repository where you can install programs and their dependencies with one click. This works well most of the time, but sometimes Flatpak versions of these can be problematic. I’ve had Steam, Discord and Wine installed through it, and they had problems to some extent. For these, I switched to grabbing .deb installation files through their own websites, or in the case of Wine, installed through its own instructions on its website using a few terminal commands, which isn’t more complicated than using Registry editor or Group editor in Windows.

    5. Most other common stuff has good alternatives, with downsides or upsides. Switching from MPC to VLC, from Photoshop to Gimp, MS Office to Libre Office, etc. The internet forums have many detailed answers to these, or you can always ask for thoughts yourself. There usually is an alternative most of the time.

    One thing to keep in mind: As Mint Cinnamon is based on Ubuntu, you can use answers for Ubuntu most of the time. However, while using the answers, keep these in mind as a form of cheatsheet when troubleshooting, or looking for implementing things:

    Mint (Cinnamon) v21 and above are based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS called Jammy, not Ubuntu 20.04 LTS called Focal(?). Almost all answers for 22.04 LTS will work on Mint Cinnamon, and all repositories and programs for it will work on Mint, too. 20.04 LTS, or recent 24.04 LTS, will have compatibility when looking for answers, but they are not directly what you are using.

    Mint Cinnamon also uses Gnome, not KDE, as the desktop environment, so keep that in mind when looking for answers. It also uses X11 of Xorg by default for its base graphics drawing, not Wayland.

  • I… I would love to see this as a compromise and start of mutual understanding, but the 6 month delay before the matter is even put through vote -if the case is even deemed “valid”- is nothing but lip service all the while the students protesting a pretty fucking obvious genocide are tagged and their most basic demanding action for consideration is criminalized, whatever the disciplinary action be.

    To be in the very least open to compromise, the university would pardon the unapproved encampment considering it an urgent act in the face of mass human life loss. The consideration to even prosecute someone for demanding a reasonable hearing, which you accept, is blatant ill-will.

    Besides, in these 6 months Israel would already be profiting a hell lot over new occupied land, sunning and tanning over dead bodies of thousands of children. This shit is even worse than the U.S. military setting up a damn prefabricated floating dock in 2 months.

    Just a stick with carrot aroma, instead of the regular stick.

    Even saying all that, hoping all the experience proves wrong this time and this sets off meaningful actions sooner or later.

  • Of course it will be more sanctions, more pressure to other countries to denounce Iran, more proxy war with funding literal terrorist groups and telling them to hit whoever the US doesn’t like, also probably bomb a few Iranian assests because what actually can they do?

    An open war rather requires justified claims. It is gruesome and the horrible results are directly tied to the war. A combination of sinister proxy war, subterfuge, coercion and forced poverty are slow killers and will have way fewer dissidents. It is the name of the game for half of the US oppression policing on the world.

  • Thank you for the insight! I rather work with logos, icons or other flat and vector drawings usually, a lot of the time upscaling or working up from zero so Krita looked rather irrelevant with how the those types of tools were not readily apparent. I’ll check Inkscpae for this.

  • Turkey is watching and taking notes about how the US supports full on genocide if you are Jew and doing it. If you are a Muslim or Turkish, the US will keep on supporting the local terror organizations like PKK through bordering YPG branch.

    Turkey is researching ways to become Jewish.

    Edit: Not just about the US but also the UK, France and Germany that oppresses protests against Israel’s genocide and arming Netanyahu with offensive weapons and using their own ships to defend against any retaliatory attacks. Turkey keeps thinking if her allies are the bad guys.

  • Thank you for the explanation. Unfortunately I can’t reach the link. It seems the generation of the symbolism originates in the extremist groups, so I’m wrong in pointing the connection to the other side.

    However, I’m still strongly against historic revisionism through whitewashing some elements and making appropriate depictions a taboo, whether in books or in cultural elements like games, video, or other things. The more we separate these things as strict black and white things, the more we are numbed to the gradual shift in the evil’s direction. Making things taboo and learned underhand via shady gatherings or groups only serves them, does not help rationally put that knowledge into the right mental place.